
Psycho DeuceBag Douche Kings

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The Criminal
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Cocky Jeff Nussbaum
Defamation, Drug-addictions, Ambulance Crashing, Cock Flashing, Marking NeoGeo fans for death, Suicidal 10-year bankruptcy disaster to recover from, and cluster-f-cking people over!
The greatest criminal cheat in localization history, and sadly, with Falcom's much beloved Ys series!

This vile monster was always full of hatred and resentment when I worked with him, I had no idea he was a Turbo Troll at the time, otherwise I would've had the sense to ban him from my Ys projects and PC Engine forum to send him back to!

Absolute disgusting, unrepentant criminal bastard with his colluding pedophile pal, Tom-chan Lipschultz inside XSEED Games!

It was Jeff's idea all along around 2009 to double-cross me, I didn't even wanna work on Ys Origin in 2007, I was gonna delete my website  and project files... But then he cried, told me of his drug addictions and suicide, said fan localization is the only thing he's proud of in his disgusting life...

He pressured me into extracting the Ys Origin script, and building another copy of my proprietary CAT translation software which was adapted to handle the 1000 separate file format having learned how to deal with it from Felghana/Ys 6...

He offered to pay me at first, didn't think that was fair to him. But since I either wanted to quit, or not work for free, I decided on a payware idea. He then wanted a 40%/60% royalty split, we eventually agreed on 20%/80%, and that's what started me working on phase 1 of the localization process!

If the lying psycho who says "I don't tell lies!" had no intention of honoring anything, then he should've left me alone! About 2 years later he just decides to then export the results to Tom's Italian programmer at the time, who had also started a competing project (another reason I didn't wanna work on Ys Origin: I localize games left behind in Japan, not waste my time to provide a 2nd translation over a company or fan group!!)! So I helped him in his disgusting life, shared $550 from the Felghana project, and he repays me with secret double-crosses, defamation, pretends I'm soo horrible, irredeemable, set in my ways, no other choice, but turns out he did it for fun and to pander to certain audience members...

There were a handful of bitchy outbursts where he was sending cryptic messages about something going on... I proposed another idea, just a 6-month payware patch some day far off in the future, when I'd return, he said he'd "mull it over" but that too was already a lie.

Jeff was announced as the "secret translator" of Tom's fan group while still pretending to be my friend on/off over this 3 year period. I had essentially resigned in a de facto sense, and didn't really know when I'd return to work on it again but I had the 6-month idea in mind when I would. But neither I or Jeff and his 60/40% split idea did this, we never did this, so how does Tom think he gets to punish thought crimes ?? Moreover, just for me and letting Jeff off the hook, HOW does he square that conflict in his psycho head?? He knew Jeff totally canceled the idea, but then he must know Jeff accepted it prior to that otherwise I'd have nothing to offer! So he rewards Jeff in time for cancelling it, but gets to punish me for maybe still thinking it, but never doing it??? How THE FUCK does that work in their psychotic heads ?? And if I had 50 prior projects with Jeff, does Tom and XSEED Games think they'd get to cheat me on all 50 because of thought crimes with Ys Origin in 2007 ? Apparently yes, they're worker-abusing fucking psychos!!!!!

So by ~May 2010, Tom slips into XSEED, and repeats this secret double-cross idea, only he has Jeff export Felghana this time since that's what the company was officially working on! Tom-chan copied this idea, only brought his company along for the ride! Just as Jeff exported Ys Origin to Tom's fan programmer, now he'd export Felghana to Tom's new company, then pocket 100% credit/100% profit! The next year I also learned he exported our Ys I & II projects for the Chronicles remake, so I was cheated on 3 LOCALIZATIONS that year where he collected ALL the credit/profit from treating my thousands of work hours as slave work hours!

He/They didn't credit me in the Ys Origin fan patch for my translation software either! Yes, he used it; yes, he got weeks of free work hours from me multiple times on Ys Origin; yes, I built him HTML runtime script dumping to translate the script in the exact order it appears in the game, he used/worked off of that!!!! YES, he cheated me, chose to represent JUST his disgusting self, and pretend not to understand work hours of the past become billable in the present when you attempt to commercialize/sell/profit!!!!

How is it fair to ANYONE in the fan team that gave him thousands of free work hours under fan terms for him to then secretly profit with a company years later, transition those fan localizations into a business with NO contact/consent/negotiation, just ghosting your past co-workers ?? IT'S NOT, THEY ARE PSYCHOTIC LIARS CLAIMING OTHERWISE! WHY must I fight an uphill battle to explain this to XSEED shills/bootlickers ?? Is XSEED giving you stubborn liars free games/bribes to defend them endlessly ?? When THEIR OWN workers like Brittany "Hatsuu" Avery were cheated on crediting for new ports after being fired or quitting, did ANY of you shills reevaluate/reconsider what you said about my case ??

Any excuses you have to deny me credit is based on your disgusting vindictive hatred, NOTHING MORE, stop pretending there's ANY principle behind it! Yet NO apology, no regrets, not by anyone: Tom, this psychotic ambulance-crashing cock-flasher, nor KKKen Berry Very Wrong, the latest XSEED Games president! Absolutely rotten, disgusting, corrupt people from the top on down to the bottom! They NEVER deserved the Falcom partnership! Atlus and Konami should've held onto it at least for Felghana!!!
These people are so incredibly disgusting, hateful, unforgiving, they just kept demonizing, dehumanizing me, lying about me, painting me into some great monster so of course they had to keep on cheating me year after year after year, in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2020 when Ys Origin was ported again while Jeff still gets credited, but not me as if I was never alive, never existed!

STAY AWAY from this evil criminal bastard! Don't EVER give him your hard work, time, dedication! He's a criminal, if he was willing to do it to me multiple times, he'll do it again to others, then play the victim the lying psycho that he is, as you'd expect from a Toxic Turbo Troll!

He deleted his OG Twitter to evade me and any accountability/justice ( )

Twitter locked him out of this next account I accidentally ran into in 2022, haha! Good riddens!
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Dec. 05, 2006, 05:49:22 PM
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Jan. 11, 2008, 05:24:39 PM
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Jeff "Call me DeuceBag!" Nussbaum - The greatest criminal in fan translation history! A lying, conniving, thieving, scheming, backstabbing monster of epic proportions!
The greatest criminal cheat in localization history himself: Jeff Nussbaum
Jeff Deuce was nothing more than a Turbo Troll. If I knew he was a member, I would've banned him from my PC Engine forum in 2002 and sent him back to Neo-Geo where he belongs with Psycho Dox Shroom and the rest of the FilthyRear gang...
As is known for hosting KKKFarms trolls, a killer, $20,000 SNK cart scams, Jeff represents the fan localization scam side of things... He hijacked my Ys fan projects, CAT translation software, THOUSANDS of free work hours pro-bono under fan terms, all for commercial profit behind my back, in secret collusion with the XXXSEED Games internal pedophile, Tom-chan Wyrdwad Lipschultz!
DO NOT LET HIM IN YOUR FAN PROJECTS! He's a dirty, filthy, psycho defamation liar! Pure malice, hatred, extortionist defamation to intimidate, silence those he victimized in the past!
His (and Tom-chan's) "I was spammed, I need the Police, the FBI, bodyguards!" smears for the simple demand of a perfectly fair $550 settlement was a tactical play-the-victim manipulation for the audience reading it, all the while laughing behind a computer, the evil bastard that he is!
I feel gypped, I did all this work on Ys localization projects and Jeff never ONCE thought to send me one of his infamous cock-shots, only his pals received that "special surprise!" What a "great" company XXXSEED Games is, they sure know how to pick 'em!