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Messages - geise

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Ys Utopia !
« on: May. 08, 2009, 12:29:29 PM »
Yeah I'm really glad to see the page back up and updated.  I really like the color scheme going on.  Thanks for the message on letting me know this site is up.  I would've thought it was gone for good.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Ys6 vista
« on: Apr. 12, 2009, 08:56:55 AM »
I got the regular Ys VI dvd to install fine on Vista x64.  You just need to dl the patch off of Falcom's page.

General / Re: What are YOU watching on youtube at the moment?
« on: Aug. 31, 2007, 01:10:48 PM »
Don Hertzfeldt The Animation Show Intro

Don Hertzfeldt The Animation Show Intermission

Don Hertzfeldt The Animation Show End of the Show

I'm sure most people have probably seen the Rejected clip he's done.  Not sure if it's everybody's taste but the links are here if you want em.

General / Re: Ys Online
« on: Mar. 06, 2007, 02:13:14 PM »
That's very cool you got to meet him in person.  I used to talk to him through email when I used to email Ancient about stuff.  He said he's one of the few (besides his sister) at the company that spoke and wrote English fluently, so he used to respond to all my emails.  He's a very nice person and an amazing composer.  That's so cool you got to meet him.  Actraiser, Streets of Rage 1-2, and Super Adventure Island are my favorites besides the Ys music.  I wonder how accurate the Wiki is on him  I'm surprised he helped work on Portrait of Ruin.

General / Re: Ys Online
« on: Mar. 06, 2007, 01:40:31 PM »
I've never been a big fan of's games or most online games for that matter.  I also don't understand how you can even have an Ys online game.  After watching the trailer I don't see how this has anything to do with Ys.  I'm all for another Ys game, but this game and the Ys Strategy game kinda want to make me cry.  It's like when I saw the intro to Ys III on SNES  :~(

General / Re: Gurumin on PSP rocks!
« on: Feb. 16, 2007, 07:09:16 AM »
Yeah the reason I said the voice acting was pretty good was because I was basing it off of other games  I've played.  You know games from Working Designs, Grandia 1 (amazing game terrible voice acting), Ys Napishtim ps2, Last Alert, Valis II and III for Turbo Duo, Shining Force III  the list goes on haha.  I guess a reason I don't have a problem with the translation is I couldn't understand the japanese one since I don't read japanese.  Are there that many changes in the script/story or is pretty much the same?

General / Gurumin on PSP rocks!
« on: Feb. 15, 2007, 11:54:27 AM »
I'm very happy that this game made it state side.  Even though it's not the pc original it's nice to play it in english.  The voice acting is pretty good and fits most of the characters, and the framerate is pretty damn impressive for being on the psp.  It's also nice to know that Falcom actually developed it for psp and wasn't done by a different 3rd party company.  The load times are no where near as bad as Ys Napishtim when playing from the UMD, but they are there. (I dump it to iso and play off my memory stick)  I'm definitly glad I picked this up!  It's nice seeing some Falcom games in the states even though they are just psp ports.  I'll take anything Falcom if it's in English.  What does everyone else think of it that have played it on psp?

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Jan. 17, 2007, 09:42:05 PM »
I would like to translate Felghana to that ok? :D I have some really good translation tools.

I've been playing Oath for a while now and I want to say thank you Nightwolve.  I will be sending you another nice donation next pay day.  Yeah I was wondering about the Mural cause I just finished that part the other day.  I jsut figured it would maybe be done in the next patch release.  Well another reason to play through the game again doesn't hurt. ;)  Thanks again Nightwolve.

Ys Origin / Re: Ys Origin
« on: Dec. 29, 2006, 06:05:21 AM »
Man talk about a merry xmas.  I got Zelda for the Wii and my wife got me Ys Origins.  I love everything about this game.  I've always wanted to play an Ys game before Adols time.  It really is nice to know how the whole Ys story started.  I love  this just as much if not more so than Oath.  The gameplay is solid and even though it's pretty much you in Darm Tower it's still a very fun and exciting game.

Guys this is looking great! :)  Thank you everyone that is helping Nightwolve out.  Also to everyone that's helping if you have a paypal account set up for donations please let me know.  Nightwolve you'll also have another donation when this gets realeased.  Thanks again!

General / Re: DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 12, 2006, 02:15:41 PM »
Yeah I forgot about those versions.  Which one's are the original versions?  I thought it was the PC98, but now I'm guessing MSX2.   I also don't believe I've seent the FM Towns Marty versions.

General / Re: DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 12, 2006, 10:46:33 AM »
Well, there's also the original PC98 versions.  There's not a translation for those either but they might  be easier to get the text extracted and  translated.  I don't know how much more superior  the PC-Engine version is (if it is superior).  The PC-Engine version I'm sure is somewhat "toned down" compared to the pc98 versions.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Thank You All !!!
« on: Sep. 10, 2006, 09:45:31 AM »
Last Alert was a great game.  The fact that the voice acting was worse than anything ever concieved in a videogame just made the game better to me.  ;D  BTW welcome to the board.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Sep. 07, 2006, 05:43:34 PM »
Great!  Glad it was sent!  That's the only amount of donations you've recieved?  How long have you had that donation account up?  Well you'll still be recieving another one from me whenever release day is.  I wish Psycho DeuceBag had an account as well.  Anyways thanks again for the work you're doing on the greatest rpg series ever (well the greatest to us anyways).   ;)

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Sep. 07, 2006, 05:13:41 PM »

I received 3 dollars from s. perry. Was that how much you sent? That's the only donation that showed up. The whole reason I was asking was cause the timing from when you said you had sent it didn't match with the one I had received. It'd be a rare coincidence if it was actually someone else.

Sorry that wasn't me.  I sent 20 bucks.  Paypal shows it as completed.  I guess they're just slow sending payment to your account or something.  Anyways if it doesn't show up today or tomorrow let me know and I'll see what's going on. 

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Sep. 07, 2006, 11:44:38 AM »
Also does Psycho DeuceBag have a donation account set up as well?  BTW expect another donation when the patch is released as well. :D

No, he doesn't. Btw, was that you with the perryworld4 email address that sent it?

No.  It should be b_naglic.  Was that the only donation that showed up?

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Sep. 07, 2006, 06:59:37 AM »
Where is that talking taking place?? They do only work on the Complete versions.

EDIT: Oh, he meant Complete obviously. It's the bitmaps with ETERNAL on them that created this confusion, remember. Falcom's poor recycling job of the prior ETERNAL product into the COMPLETE product is what's mainly responsible for this. I was spreading the phrase "ETERNAL COMPLETE" from my website for a while before Psycho DeuceBag finally explained the issue to me. Down the road, that led to me finally changing those frame bitmaps to read COMPLETE. Psycho DeuceBag did the image editing for that, and most everything else. The problem has spread unfortunately and it'll be a while before our corrections make their way across the net. There are still torrents being shared named "Eternal Complete" and so forth, etc. Add to that the many screenshots across the net with the Ys frame at the top saying ETERNAL, yet it's the COMPLETE version of the product. What can you do? *shrugs*

Yeah I did mean Complete.  I have had Ys Eternal since 99 and played it religiously.  When Ys Complete came out I still found myself saying Eternal.  As for the paypal account, my god I am blind.  Anyways expect a donation soon.
EDIT:  Ok donation sent.  I'll make another payment when the patch is released.  Thanks again Nightwolve.  Also does Psycho DeuceBag have a donation account set up as well?  BTW expect another donation when the patch is released as well. :D

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Sep. 06, 2006, 02:44:50 PM »
I got this game from Falcom the week after it was released.  I played it a little of the way through.  I stopped because I knew that it would someday be translated and mainly by you Nightwolve and Psycho DeuceBag.  Nightwolve I also feel  the same way you did (but not quite as orgasmic) when I first poped the Ys Oath disk in my pc and played for a while.  It was amazing, and I can't even imagine how enjoyable it's going to be in English.  It really did bring me back to the day I bought my Turbo CD (when it was first released) just for Ys and played it for the first time.  The most amazing moment in game history for me.  Thankfully I've been able to kill time waiting for the English patch by playing Ys IV that you guys were so nice to translate for us.  I also have been killing time of course with Ys Eternal I & II (also thanks to you guys).  Anyways it's nice to know that you are so enjoying the game cause I'm sure it hasn't been an easy task to have pretty much completed.  I want to say congratulations and thanks.  Is there a way you could maybe make a Paypal donation account so we can show our appreciation.  I would also like to help you out with payment. ;)  I'm sure you won't mind.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Aug. 31, 2006, 12:13:28 PM »
Very nice indeed!  NightWolve I want to thank you Psycho DeuceBag and whoever else is helping with this, for taking your spare time to get this project completed.  I read earlier that you need some graphical stuff.  I do photoshop and 3D Studio max at my job so if you need any help with that stuff I am more than willing.  It would be great to help you out since you already have done so much.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: PSP version
« on: May. 30, 2006, 01:41:52 PM »
I finished it.  I actually thought it was a decent port considering it was made for PC.  I like it better than the ps2 version.  I don't like the 3d models.  Just my opinion.  Yeah the load times are bad but I feel for the hardware they were porting it to they did a pretty decent job.  It's not Konami's fault that the UMD discs and disc drive suck.  Majority of games have load times just as bad if not worse on the psp.  This version is still closer to the pc than the ps2 one to me.  Anyways I did beat it and it was fun to play through.  It's nice being able to play Ys 6 on the go.

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