After recently playing through the Ys Felghana patched game, which was awesome by the way (a big thank you to NightWolve and Psycho DeuceBag), I decided to dust off my old Duo, order up an import copy of Ys IV, and give the translation a shot. I had trouble with the TurboRip utility as I don't think it liked my DVD drive. Anyways, after some messing around with Ultra ISO and Nero, I was able to rip the CD, apply the patch, and burn it back. Everything plays great on the original hardware but I've noticed two issues.
1. The Duo makes a high pitch whining noise when playing the burned CD. I tested out several of my other old games (Ys I & II, Dragon Slayer, Cosmic Fantasy II, Bonk 3, etc.) to make sure none of them made any noise and they were silent. Also, the original Japanese disc of Ys IV is silent.
2. This is the most important one: I have noticed that several tracks in the game (the one on Fire Mountain and the one in the huge Roda tree so far) tend to cut out and then not re-loop. Sometimes they cut out after 15 minutes, sometimes after 1. They always seem to make a scratching noise and then just die. All the sound effects and menu noises keep working. If I step out of the area and come back in, the music loads up again and is fine (until it cuts out again, that is). Here again, I test out several other game to make sure the problem wasn't with my 15+ year old Duo.
Has anyone had issues similar to these? Do you think it might have anything to do with the media I burned it on (Dynex CD-R)? Just for clarification, I did perform the rip/patch/burn process twice just to make sure I didn’t get a bad burn for one reason or the other but I get the same results each time! Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas? I would be grateful for any help as I am at a loss.