Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D
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BmpTileFlip (was made for Samurai Shodown RPG font's needs)
Name BmpTileFlip (was made for Samurai Shodown RPG font's needs)
Description In April of 2007, when I was still working with Psycho Jeff Nussbaum (DeuceBag), who later criminally cheated me with his co-conspirator Tom-chan "WyrdWad" Lipschultz and X.X.XSEED Games, he came to me for help for his newly started translation/localization project for Samurai Shodown RPG (NeoGeoCD)...

He wanted a tool to speed up changing the font used by the game. When the tiles for a new font are laid out and ready in a Photoshop-type editor, they must be horizontally flipped (AKA mirroring) before inserting them back in the game. This simple tool does that. I don't know if this could be useful for any other game in the future, or for some other application, but I released it anyway since I spent about a week's worth of work hours for the callous, c0ck-flashing criminal cheat BITD. Fair warning, this malcontent's "I'm a man of my word" and "I'm ferociously loyal to friends/expect same in return" proclamations are some sort of an inside joke that only he thinks is funny, clown job that he is... Don't ever work with/for this homicidal monster motherfucker if you don't want to be backstabbed or cheated from once-in-a-lifetime opportunities resulting from fan work!!!!!!!! /tangent

NOTE: The game obviously doesn't use the BMP format. Another tool was used, Derrick Sobodash's FEIDIAN which can convert between custom formats to BMP and back again for easy editing in Photoshop editors. You would have to learn how to use that tool as well for this to be useful for SSRPG. I never got anything from DeuceBag and in 2016 he had HDD disasters and lost all his work files, so this is what's left...

Hope is not lost though, there is a French team that translated the game so work on an English patch could resume with their help. That's one option if Le DeuceBag doesn't recover or release a possible BETA version he might have left.

Sent by NightWolve
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