Yep! It's official! I like exclamation marks!
If you have an interesting link to share, post it!
I found this site the other day has a couple of games on it like Ultima 5-9, System Shock, Deus Ex, etc with... Anti-walkthroughs, or ridiclous stuff that brings nostalogia drops to my eyes
"Fear and Loathing in Forge-Of-Virtue" [a horrible evil walkthrough for U7 lol]
When the Earthquakes start you will regain control for a few seconds during each quake.
Move the Avatar Southeast as much as possible, and thereby avoid talking to Finnigan the Mayor.
Find sparc and get him to join.
Sparc is useful because fountains and pools often have psychoactive effects, and we need a guinea-pig to find out what kind of trips we're going to have before the Avatar does any.
Looked through this comic the other day... nicely done!'s another I'm getting ready to check...