I was playing some of my friends Ys Oath in Felghana with a wireless xbox 360 controller and found the button configuration a bit awkward.
It's hard to charge up a magic, keep it charged while you attack and jump at the same time. My thumbs aren't fat enough.
I've been thinking of how to solve this minor problem. Either start using the keyboard(which I don't want too:p ) Or find a way to change the button layout for the game.
The problem is I can't find a way to do that. In the in game menu under options it doesn't give any choices like that and besides that I'm not sure where to go.
I was thinking that maybe there was a way to change the buttons setup on the 360 controller by going through the software it came with but to no avail.
This is the setup I would like.
That way I can do everything at the same time.
If there is a way to fix this please tell. Thanks for the help. I'm searching for couch money to make a donation sufficient enough for the patch. I want it in English. :p But until then I will have to use my imagination and hope that the straight forwardness in the game so far continues.
Loves for everyone.