Chicago had one of its coolest summers on record and we're currently down in the 50s-60s. The effects of El Niño gave us a more tolerable winter last year, but they say we're not gonna get the warming effects this winter so the forecast is cold, very cold... In positive news though, natural gas for home heating will be somewhat cheaper because of new drilling technology that has made huge reserves of it accessible that were once out of reach.
Honestly, I hope we have an ice age just to shut the global warming freaks the hell up and stop their grand schemes for CO2 taxing. That's what it's gonna take, I'm afraid...
No plans... already took my winter vacation to Alaska!
Anyway, Alaska, how about that... You went by yourself or ? Well, that's cool; I wouldn't mind seeing some pictures should you ever upload them.
As to the topic's intent, I don't have plans myself. "Happy Holidays" struck me as a little bit early. Regardless, I'm pretty tied up with things and predict that I likely won't do anything special or unusual.