Thanks to Donny of San Diego for the out-of-nowhere, generous donation of $100 dollars after being notified about the Ys IV project update! He first donated in 2011, so he's not a new donor, but thank goodness for the 46 repeat ones! The total who donated is ~429 now; this, after 10 years out of a pool of ~60,000+ overall patch consumers, so the freeloading rate is beyond disgusting (99%!), but yeah, thankfully, of that ~429, at least 46 donated 2 or more times and his came right on the first of the new year! Some human decency in that 1%, so a sincere thank you man! I've been abused, cheated, overall fucked over by the 99%-ers (the leaker & the rest), even by my
disgusting, criminal ex-partner, Psycho DeuceBag, as well as by XSEED, specifically
Tom-chan Lipschultz / WyrdWad (
the Ys Eternal Virgin AND a cartoon pedo-porn defender in his leisure!), their criminal resident XCISER (
to be discussed in detail in the future!), so this SURE AS HELL was a welcomed way to start the new year!! Donny's response:
No problem man! I'd send you cookies too but Paypal hasn't figured out how to do that
But seriously, I've literally waited nearly half my life for this! So I just want to sincerely thank you for your efforts. Kudos to you and your team!! I'm a software engineer too so if I can help out in any way I'd be happy to lend a hand.
That he's a software engineer and this generous certainly makes sense! They have more empathy because they have an idea of literally the hundreds/thousands of hours that are sacrificed to make projects like these possible, as opposed to the general spoiled public, and never mind the outright warez trash that surrounds this hobby not giving a shit in the slightest bit. Two other engineers (software and sound/electrical), friends and partners on the Ys IV project (David Shadoff and Justus Johnston) also had donated $100 each (in addition to their time/expertise) several years back as a matter of fact. Come to think of it, my greatest donor is Mike W. who works at Intel (good friend to have there!) and his donations in terms of gifts are in the hundreds. So yeah, the profile is definitely there.
Merrrrry Christmas folks!! Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to take the time given the occasion to report that
8+ years and 2 failed attempts later, this dubbing project has FINALLY been completed thanks to a whipper-snapper,
BurntLasagna/Mike G., stepping up to the plate and going all the way!!!
Hallelujah! 3rd time's a charm, right?
I didn't think I'd see this day come, that somebody would come along again with serious interest in working with me to get this done as Justus Johnston and GeeMac32bit tried BITD, and after 2 failed attempts, actual harassment/interference/defamation by one
John Schizomaniak on the 2nd attempt (
some bigoted, mentally unstable hack & Ys F.A.N. from HardcoreGaming101 and a UK Gaming Mag, "GamesTM"), along with the 99%-ers out there including the Felghana patch leaker (
Pruvmerong, courtesy of GameFAQs' freakshow!), my appetite for fan projects isn't what it used to be certainly, so yeah, this is a friggin' miracle!
Since I always did lament this aspect of the project never being completed given that the technical knowledge was there to make it possible and I still somewhat hoped to one day get to play the game fully in English myself for a long time (
I never read the translated speech file during a play-through, an option I never found appealing enough and I doubt others much did either), I never completely wrote the idea off! Suffice to say, it took a young-blood with fresh determination to come along, who also provided me with the motivation to complete all remaining technical issues, to finally make this all possible! I thought I had finished most things from the 2nd attempt and it was just a matter of recording actors, but as
Mike G. and I found, it wasn't so simple... Regardless, our pain, your gain, and so you've read correctly, "Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys" is now FULLY English for your NEC retro CD systems, be it a Turbo Duo/Duo-R or an emulator like MagicEngine for enjoyment right on your PC!! So enjoy and make it an Ys Christmas this year...
ya fuckin' freeloaders!
Relevant Links: Discussion: Downloads: YouTube Promotionals:Other: | (Need 7-zip
here to unzip)
What is it ? A proof of concept splash video made in Flash that would be launched when you start the Ys IV patcher (
a new one that I plan to work on eventually after the dub is completed). I thought it'd be a fun idea to give it some extra visual umph, if you will. While it's WIP, I mostly got going what I want to accomplish with it. Getting Darm's line "You don't stand a chance..." mixed in with the BGM will be the problem, but it's close to what I want. More
details here.
Oh, happy Independence Day! Heh, too bad though we were better off under a King tax-wise than we are under Obama and democrats!
Wow, that's 2 years later that this post gets updated! Things sure do move REAL slow around here, don't they? Anyway, suffice to say, the Ys IV dubbing project has never gone anywhere each time it's been tried - it's the one thing I wanted SOMEBODY ELSE to do, so naturally it NEVER gets done! Finally, I got to thinking and decided to take a few moments the other day to package/release what I call the
"Ys IV Dub Kit" after the subject recently came up in a MagicEngine thread. I promised a fella named Arjak to one day provide him with the tools necessary (which was probably about a year ago - I seemingly tend to deal in years these days with my timelines, not months, etc. Heh.) to do the project himself, and I think the Ys IV Dub Kit, which is attached to this post for anyone to download, should be enough provided you know enough about software related to audio recordings. I've attached two mp3's for fun; they're two actresses that did some takes for Bammi and Lilia. As they were never finished, they're worthless, but nonetheless, I've included them for the hell of it.
Quick info/instructions on the Ys IV Dub Kit:
1) You need an ISO/WAV/CUE image file set of an Ys IV disc. You can use my nifty TurboRip tool to make one. I made a hasty patched version to allow it to work on Vista, so download/use that if it doesn't work. Here's the link: Copy the Ys IV Dub Kit zip file in the same folder as the Ys IV image file set, extract all contents and rename track 2 to "YsIV-02.iso". You'll have to update the CUE file to reflect that change.
3) I have included some English dubbed ADPCM clips with the Dub Kit. They are of Karna and a few others. If you double click "YS4_GET_WAVE_FROM_ADPCM.bat" they will be converted to WAVE and you can listen to them. If you double click "YS4_PUT_ADPCM_INTO_ISO.bat", that will insert these few clips into the ISO and if you mount the CUE, load the game in the MagicEngine emulator, you can get to the point in the game and listen to them. The Karna stuff is your best bet; it's at the point where she beats up those 2 white soldiers and also when you get captured, are in jail and she shows up to break you out, that part will be in English, etc.
4) Double clicking on the "YS4_GET_WAVE_FROM_ADPCM.bat" batch file will extract ALL ADPCM audio clips and auto-convert them to regular WAVE files, so now you can listen to everything! There are 232 total ADPCM clips that are in need of re-dubbing. Only about ~15 of 'em are actually recorded with background music. Most clips have no background music so the voice actor just needs to do his/her recording in a quiet room with a good microphone and proper recording software.
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