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Author Topic: DeuceBag Strikes Back: Declares War on Freedom of Speech!! Boycott XSEED Games!!  (Read 9409 times)

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Offline NightWolve

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** Update: Sunday "Lawsuit" Funday, June 23, 2013! History in the making! 3 years of mutual silence broken!
** XSEED's "FlasherTM," Psycho DeuceBag, vows to essentially "deucebag" me again, but this time with an anti-free speech lawsuit!!
** Psycho DeuceBag's War on Freedom of Speech: Demands TOTAL DELETION from this site to escape accountability for what he did!!
** A chill wind is blowing across the Ys community... A "message" is being sent... If you dissent, if you speak out against injustices, even if they were perpetrated by XSEED and the likes of "The FlasherTM," there can and will be ramifications... /end Tim Robbins

** Update: Sunday "Legal Threat" Funday, June 23, 2013!
XSEED's "FlasherTM," Jeff "Psycho DeuceBag" Nussbaum, vows an anti-free speech lawsuit!!!!! Read all about it!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, HISTORY was made yesterday! After having read this, Jeff "I have a lawyer" Nussbaum, AKA Psycho DeuceBag, (XSEED's credited "FlasherTM" since he once posted his c-ck shot on the NeoGeo forums) finally broke his now 3 year long "vow of silence" towards me (a mutual de-facto state all the while he unloaded all scripts we produced to XSEED, taking full credit/full profit, right up to Ys Origin!) WITH another vow, that of a lawsuit!!!!!

Mission Accomplished! Actually got him butt-hurt enough to come out of hiding! So, after 3 years, 1 month, 1 week, (Saturday, 6/22/2013 - Saturday, 5/15/2010) from when he announced the first XSEED deal with Felghana and celebrated as if he got there all by himself, pretending as if my "step 1" work hours/labor had nothing to do with it and need not be counted (and basically, played stupid with me ever since), ultimately taking 100% credit/100% profit from a for-profit commercial entity (XSEED Games) for work hours/labor that he wasn't 100% responsible for, here is what this disgusting criminal had to say to the other man that made it possible that he COMPLETELY cheated with NO guilty conscience whatsoever (again, the first DIRECT communication to me after 3 years!):
Quote from: Jeff "I got a lawyer!" Nussbaum
From: Jeff Nussbaum <>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:28 PM
Subject: Hello.

Hello, Nick. I strongly suggest you back off, lest you get sued for libel. And unlike you, I actually do have a solid case.

Any correspondence from you will be forwarded to my lawyer, along with your existing libelous remarks on your website.

Final Email, with him pathetically reduced to nothing more than a low-life extortionist:
Quote from: Jeff "I got a big d1ck!" Nussbaum
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:53 AM
Blah blah... My original statement stands. Remove any and all reference to me ... from your web site, or I will bring legal action against you. "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!!!!"

   Sorry criminal, but we both have the same problem: we're in different states and "your lawyer" has no jurisdiction here. For my "unjust enrichment" claim regarding your criminality with XSEED, I'd have to remotely hire a lawyer IN your state who would file the lawsuit for me with the small claims clerk in your county. Professional representation in small claims court is not necessary but it would spare me the trip to start the lawsuit. Anyhow, one of the many obstacles to justice when the enemy is in another state... And make no mistake about it, you're a monstrous criminal that needed to be brought to justice a LONG LONG time ago, you and Lipschultz!!! That is your legacy!

Translation: "*MY* lawsuit would actually stand a chance as opposed to yours! Neener Neener Neener!! Yesss, yesss, that's right, I already gots me a lawyer (sounds like you don't) who has experience with libel and can magically handle cases across state lines OR maybe I found one in your state, you don't know, so ya better watch out, chump!!! Neener Neener Neener!!! You know, you should've just gone away quietly like many of us at XSEED were hoping... So you got chumped, deal with it! Move on!! GET OVER IT!! Boohoo, cry me a river!"

If I didn't know any better, I'd say ole Psycho DeuceBag is calling me a liar. It takes lies to win such cases. He actually did post a photo of his d1ck on the NeoGeo forums immortalizing himself there as "The FlasherTM". He is an a$$hole, not hard to prove that! Funny though, after all these years, Psycho DeuceBag turns out to be an Enemy of Free Speech given this kind of threat! Same deal recently with Psycho John threatening to "contact the authorities" because I called him the hack journalist that he is for his 2009 actions of posting provable lies about me that Kurt Kalata deleted from HardcoreGaming101.
Well, I hope "your lawyer" will relieve you of $550 or more to get started, but the fact that you were butt-hurt enough to make this kind of threat already provides me with some feeling of justice, however small! BTW, were you well-medicated when you sent that email ?? Anyway, the mystery of what his first direct email/response to me would look like is solved... 3 years I waited to see it and, well, I feel very gyped... So there you have it, the criminal that cheated me starting in 2010, that got his name credited on several official XSEED releases of Ys games off of my back/sacrifices, my time, my tools, my labor, etc. now feels HE'S the victim, you see... The cruel/callous victimizer that went all "gangsta" on me now claims victimhood... Pfffft. Funny how that works!

P.S. History shows us interesting things now looking back. Part of the reason Seldane excised us from the Felghana title screen credits was because of your final post on AHOY ALOY where you equated him to PruvMeRong, the vile, bigoted, criminal menace that leaked the Felghana patch and he got butt-hurt about that... Well, the fact is, YOU turned out to be FAR WORSE than the leaker could EVER hope to be!! YOU ARE FAR, FAR WORSE THAN HIM! And Seldane was just an arrogant, lame, little bitch, emphasis on the little. Real small potatoes in comparison! Anyhow, don't EVER again try to use PruvMeRong in an argument and objectively/essentially indicate that you're better than him... Your betrayal was far worse! Your handling of the situation, after you were contacted by XSEED, just plain horrible and unforgivable! Bottomline, YOU turned out to be the biggest monster of them all, and for that, like I said, BURN IN HELL!!!!

P.S.2. This disgusting, lying a$$hole actually insinuated that I said something negative about his kids! I didn't say ANYTHING about your kids!! Paranoid much ? Seeing things that aren't there or what ?? Is your sight getting a little worse with age ?? Might have to rename ya again, this time to DunceBag! No, I called YOU a "child abuser" which was a criticism of YOU and that was all that I said!! Attacking your kids would've been something that your bigoted, low-class-no-class, atheist, Christophobic idol, Bill Maher, would do, who deliberately seeks out to insult everyone in Sarah Palin's family for example! "Trig Palin = retarded!! Ha ha, I'm funny!" - cause, yeah, it's all cool to pick on her family and you get away with it! So yeah, don't put me in the same class as your bigoted, hate-mongering hero/idol to score some moral points, you lying a$$hole!! That's what you bigoted hacks on the Far Left do, so go f--k yourself!! If you're gonna roll up in my direction 3 years later, you ought not make false accusations/insinuations! The only problem I have is with YOU, nobody else around you! And no, 2 sentences of asking if your wife divorced you and stating that she deserves better than you, is not in ANY way an attack on her! It's entirely a criticism of YOU, Mr. p0rn0star-wannabe!

BTW, I have some demands of you too, you wanna hear them ?? Yeah, thought so!! I don't care about what YOU want (part of which was based on manufactured outrage), I care about the state of injustice that continues on for its 3rd year, that which you perpetrated against me with Lipschultz and the fact that you tried to conserve it last summer with your lying to Ken Berry, your "Nick's work wasn't used! I swear!!" line... Gee, how did you manage to export a 2 column Excel file for Felghana when you were asked then ?? How was it that you had anything in your criminal hands to give to them that they wanted then ?? So my time spent on step 1 tasks (script extraction, translation software, etc.) doesn't count as "work" according to you but ANY time that you spent on step 2 labor (conversion to English) does ?? That's REAL cute... They should've asked your lying a$$ to define "work..." Impression: "But, but, I swear, I used old database copies, hence my rough drafts were exported, so I got rid of his edits on the English text, and the Japanese text, well, that TOO belongs to me, so yeah, his *work* wasn't used!! WHAT THE HELL ? He shouldn't get any credit for his time in extracting it, HE DIDN'T TYPE IT!!!! "WORK" SHOULD ONLY BE SELECTIVELY DEFINED AS "TYPING" HERE BECAUSE IT SERVES OUR NEEDS IN HIS EXCLUSION!!!" Like I said, you're a criminal, and your "logic" immoral, unethical, self-serving, etc. God's honest truth, you really DO need to be prosecuted! Understand the great extent to which I hate you, how disgusting and monstrous I find you, more so now than ever given the contents of your first email in 3 years! You need to be brought to justice, far worse than the leaker!!!

Important Addendum: Yes, there were a few more emails after that; I believed it was him at first, but then saw that his email address was new, thought I got "punked" and then I tried to verify who he was. Well, it IS him! And the demand changed from "Back off or else!" to a demand for a TOTAL XCISE/DELETION off of my site (remove ANY and ALL references) or "legal action shall be brought against you, etc." I've only ever dreamed and consulted about paying a lawyer in South Carolina one day to start the process, but he's "indicating" he already has and is ready to "pull the trigger" because now, somehow, he became the bigger "victim" in his twisted mind. Insulting, really. Of course, there's the classic bluff (likely, given the jurisdictional issue), to see how much intimidation can be achieved by that alone but you never know. Whatever the case, I'll need to find multiple free web hosts to have handy for when I finish the whole story of "The XSEED XCISE" so I can upload it to many targets; I will not let him keep the public from knowing about what happened! This indicates that he's embarrassed, perhaps recognizes some kind of wrong that he did, on some level, as did XSEED, and doesn't want you to know about it (XCISING everything about him, his behavior, all references, etc. means that the story can't get told)! I also know he isn't gloating anymore as he likely was in 2010 as was Lipschultz...

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline Waverider

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I wish you luck with your battle. One thing that you have for you is along internet trail of all the Ys projects. I do have backup files on the English patches with time stamps back in 2007. It's on a USB thumb drive. You're welcome to it if you need it. All I need to do is find it.
« Last Edit: Jul. 17, 2013, 09:17:44 PM by Waverider »

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Thanks Waverider, and I appreciate that you still hang around here once in a blue moon. No, I don't need anything as far as what you offered (the evidence for everything is fully available), this is mainly about getting this whole incident off of my chest finally and some kind of retribution for an injustice... I kept quiet for far too long!

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline NightWolve

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Re: Big-D1cked DeuceBag "Not Interested" in "Vendettas"
« Reply #3 on: Sep. 18, 2013, 03:16:44 AM »
Quote from: Big-D1cked Psycho DeuceBag (AKA Jeff Nussbaum)
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:53 AM
I'm not interested in your vendetta against "provmerong" or whoever.

I didn't ask for your interest, you disgusting, bigoted, criminal motherfucker! It was simply a reflection of thinking that I got punked or something by him or someone else - I thought it was you at first, but then your use of different email accounts threw me off. Any mention of him was entirely the result of your identity having been in question and him having played sock-puppets in the past!!

WHY did you switch emails on me when Tom-chan confirmed you only ever used the MoriyaMug one with him also ?? WHY did you hide for 3 YEARS pocketing 100% of the XSEED money, playing stupid ever since ?? Those are FAR more important issues/questions than a case of mistaken identity you disgusting motherfucker but of course you exploit ANY tangential issue that presented itself in those few seconds of text even harping on them 3 years later!

Quote from: Jeff Deuce Nussbaum
And to help answer my own question here [Am I an Asshole?]... to anyone who has a problem with how I choose to spend my own free time, do the rest of the world a favor. Go mix up a paint stripper and bleach cocktail, and down it. Ideally, feed some to any progeny you've made the mistake of siring beforehand. Yes, I am suggesting you off yourself and your misbegotten family, and keep your bloodline from further polluting the gene pool. (That's the general, non-specific "you," for those who never paid attention in English class.)

Some of you folks are cool and would be welcome in my home. Most of you, I'm completely indifferent toward, mostly out of simply not knowing you. A handful, witnessing, and perhaps contributing to, your agonizing demise would raise a dry smile. And if you think I'm exaggerating, you really don't know the first thing about me. Then again, if you did, you wouldn't make such idiotic assumptions about my intentions to begin with. I don't mince words, tell lies, or play nice if I don't genuinely wish to.

And with that, I'm off to bed. The asshole has work to do

Don't lecture me you vile murderous lunatic!!!! You tried to act "professional" with me all those years, but meanwhile you were writing threads about wanting to kill numerous fans after asking AND confirming that you're an asshole, telling them to also kill their children so as not to pollute the gene pool! You double-downed to remove any doubt if it was sarcasm or not! NOW I understand ALL that judgmentalism you threw at my direction, it was deflection given what a disgusting, pathetic piece of shit that you are! Given ALL your views, murderous rants about wanting to see Neo-Geo fans die after drinking paint stripper and bleach cocktail and your self-serving Facebook Mark Zuckerberg "views" on screwing over partners, I would've banned you ON SIGHT!!! ON SIGHT YOU FUCKING SOB! ONCE A PIECE OF SHIT, ALWAYS A PIECE OF SHIT!

I don't care about what you are or are not interested in you sociopath; you are pure scum of the earth, you are nothing to me but an ugly monster! What I care about is justice, what I'm "interested" in is bringing YOU to justice (And Lipschultz)! And really, how dare you! You don't get to pop out of the blue after ~3 years of hiding, playing stupid, and then get to make demands of me after what you did, you f--king criminal! You have yet to be held accountable for your deucebaggery!!

Yesss, you need not worry about my "vendetta" against him OR anybody else! Worry about my vendetta against YOU, you f--king sack of shit! You've superseded ANY other "vendetta" with anybody else... Well, you and Lipschultz that is, a deserving duo of deucebags! PruvMeRong is SMALL, insignificant potatoes compared to the likes of you and your criminality!! Who the f--k are you kidding ?? Like I said, the biggest monster of them all was right next to me all along. I only wish you had been successful in that suicide attempt of yours, you well-medicated, callous, disgusting bigot! I would've gone on to translate with Shimarisu, translations wouldn't have been as good, but at least it wouldn't have been you getting the opportunity with XSEED. Why oh why couldn't you have been successful in that "attempt," eh Jeff ?? Didn't truly have the guts to go through with it ?? What'd you do, swallow a whole bottle of pills or what ? It should've been a sword as you like to tell Ys fans to do...

Now I know why (especially after learning of your escapades on the Neo Geo forums) you once said to me that fan translation work is one of the only things in your life that you are proud of... You once tried to end that miserable, disgusting life of yours so you didn't have many things to be proud of or enough of to continue existence on the planet. If you had, well, one less person would've been victimized by your criminality, right ?? How many others have you gotten the opportunity to hurt or cheat in your lifetime so far, any others besides me ?? Maybe that "attempt" was the right decision all along, what do you think ??

Well, by your pathetic, extortionist threat and you perjuring yourself in the process, I'd say my "vendetta" has gotten your attention. You're not laughing now, are you, you m0therf--ker ?? You know, even now, I can't believe how disgusting you turned out to be, but then again, there were some small signs that this was possible, still, it was hard to believe for a while. I guess I am just a bad judge of character and couldn't see what a truly evil monster was lurking underneath. LIKE I SAY: BURN IN HELL YOU SORRY BASTARD!

P. S. Did you know that PruvMeRong was a good little bigoted, angry, arrogant, atheist a$$hole just like you, besides being a criminal malcontent ?? Yeap, that's right, you have much in common with the guy and didn't even know it! Before I managed to get his website shutdown (it was just a forum to bash Christians and he was proud he did NOT have a PayPal icon on it for this "service" that he bragged to me like Tom-chan), I found that he had that Spaghetti Monster rant that you atheist bigots like to promote which you think is somehow funny, clever, and witty, etc. Interesting, eh ? Well, I think so. OH WAIT, OOPS, I'M SORRY, I FORGOT, BIG-D1CKED DEUCEBAG IS IN CHARGE! Yesss, yesss, he's not interested in my "vendettas" against others, well, just the one against him hence his deletion demand. Heh.

Big-D1cked Psycho DeuceBag, now just reduced to an extortionist, thinks it should be illegal to "talk bad" about him AFTER he monumentally f--ks you over in a once-in-a-lifetime commercial opportunity... Poor little darling... How about that, eh ?? He's even got a "lieyer" to act as enforcer in this regard, ladies and gentlemen... Better watch out!


Why were you and/or Tom-chan constantly stalking this dead website/forum to even instantly learn I said anything about you, XSEED, etc ? ? And yes, where's your lawyer you miserable psychotic defamation liar ?? I tell you where: You can't afford jack shit with your 10 YEARS of bankruptcy/drug addictions/ambulance crashes/condo loss/health problems both mental/physical and your hatred kill obsessions rolling in the mud with fans!!!

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

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Re: Big-D1cked DeuceBag "Not Interested" in "Vendettas"
« Reply #4 on: Oct. 01, 2013, 02:11:55 PM »
That's some righteous anger laid out on these pages. I hope you can get some retribution for the script gaffling and acknowledgement for your efforts with the Ys translations/scripts.
Also, I can totally relate with your feelings on the flying spaghetti monster bullshit these nitwits called atheists [closet nihilists] like to promulgate. They fail even at being nihilists due to the fact that these DORknobs worship money [to the point were they'd be willing to destroy the collaborative efforts and bonds formed with people such as yourself on the off chance of profiting from and taking full-credit for joint-effort work]. Nihilists are supposed to believe in nothing. So what are these flying spaghetti monster apologists about? Just to be clear, I feel that these are diseased minds, riddled with mental illness, incapable of self-control.
I wish you good fortune in these, the on-going plights of the fan translator.