Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
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Author Topic: B.J. DeuceBag, "The XXXSEED C0ck-Flasher," strikes again! Boycott XSEED Games!  (Read 7567 times)

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Offline NightWolve

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I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!First off, ladies and gentlemen, we here at Ys are STILL patiently awaiting to hear from B.J. Psycho DeuceBag's "lieyer" given the legal action that he promised... It's been 6 months since he broke his 3 years of direct silence towards me (read: "playing stupid" after the first Felghana May 2010 deal with XSEED Games) to threaten legal action and I am still in full violation of his "demands." :P Anyway, I shall keep you posted on that front as soon as I hear from "his lawyer..."

Intro: Now, as indicated, Jeff "I got a big d1ck!" Nussbaum struck again, but this time on Facebook! Basically, I learned that a new Ys patch was released and I posted that I'd have to boycott it on account of him, a disgusting, bigoted, callous criminal having translated it. Suffice to say, that got the criminal's attention and once again prompted a direct response...

Continue Reading... (Post Status: 100% - Done.)

Quicki Insert: Presenting a newer version of the Ys Typing Tutor for later release to honor XSEED, its personnel + others >:D:

P.S. Tom, you're not the only one that knows how to wage a PR war, buddy! You will come to regret ever meeting me m0therf--ker, the way I have come to regret ever meeting you AND the c0ck-flasher! I hope that's already the case for the both of you and your two-bit, exploitative, divisive, criminal company...

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline NightWolve

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1) So, I wrote the following upon learning of this new Ys V SNES patch on Miikka "MP83" Poikela's Facebook post:
Quote from: NightWolve, on November 28, 2013
Did I read correctly ?? Ys 5 (SNES) was successfully translated ?? Well, props to Gideon Zhi for finally getting this done!

Unfortunately, I do have mixed feelings on this. I don't think I'll ever play it on account of the criminal that translated it, Psycho DeuceBag... Knowing what a callous criminal a$$hole that he is, his "playing stupid" behavior after that first Felghana deal with XSEED Games back in 2010, and his recent deucebaggery of coming out of hiding 3 years later to threaten me with a libel lawsuit (making a fool of himself in the process), I don't think I could just sit there and play a game translated by him, not after all that, not after how he cheated me and the manner in which he did it together with Ladies' Man Lipschultz... Sitting there having to read his writing would just trigger too much personal disgust... Another reason I can easily boycott XSEED, not just cause of Lipschultz.

Anyway, no disrespect is meant towards Gideon. It's still a great achievement in terms of a technical challenge and finally overcoming it! I wondered if he would ever be able to finish it so hat-tip to him for not giving up. Nonetheless, Psycho DeuceBag and Lipschultz/XSEED destroyed, at some level, my love of the Ys series, so yeah, I probably won't bother with this patch. It's tempting, sure, even to me, but yeah...

2) The criminal Psycho DeuceBag was quickly alerted to my post by someone or it came up in his feed and he came out of hiding once again to respond (~5 months after his 3 years of silence were broken since the first sneak/cheat job on Felghana to threaten me with "his lawyer..."). His response was merely 4 words:
Quote from: B.J.Psycho DeuceBag, on November 28, 2013
Cry me a river.

Cute, isn't it ? Thus, in totality, that's ALL the criminal has ever had to say to me after all these years, THAT and "STFU, I have a lawyer!!!" Hence why "callous criminal" is so applicable to this disgusting man!

3) ...Afterwards, a warning was issued by Miikka that all posts will be deleted in about a week, but after maybe Lipschultz also got a chance to respond, to which Psycho DeuceBag replied again:
Quote from: B.J.Psycho DeuceBag, on November 28, 2013
Won't hurt my feelings.

4) I decided to respond back making me break a prohibition on direct responses to him, but I felt it needed to be done. I just couldn't resist out of shear disgust...
Quote from: NightWolve, on November 28, 2013: "My Direct Demands to Jeff 'Psycho DeuceBag' Nussbaum"
Well now, if it isn't Jeff "I got a lawyer!" Nussbum... Heh. Or, better yet, Jeff "I got a big d1ck!" Nussbum. Yesss, as I revealed, he apparently took a photo to prove the latter... He pulled his pants down, omgfluffed/jerked himself up a bit, brought a camera down to his spotlight-loving penis, snapped a photo and shared it with the Internet, by extension, the world... Well, I guess you can respect the fact that Big Jeff Psycho DeuceBag (what they call 'im) was willing to "back up" his claim of being well-endowed. The lawyer was imaginary though.

So, if I understand this correctly, the same callous criminal cunt that perjured himself by indicating that he hired a lawyer in order to intimidate me with an extortionist demand to delete any and all references to him on my website, that very same bigoted, butt-hurt butt-hole is indicating his feelings won't get hurt if his mere 8 words here get deleted along with everything that I wrote ?? Well, that's cute.

Your extortionist demands and cheering for deletion of negative comments towards you is widely known. You didn't have to tell him your feelings won't get hurt if this was all deleted... Your approval goes without saying so it's kind of a joke...

Listen criminal, you made your demands over email, now here are mine in case it wasn't already obvious to you:

1) I want my $550 dollars back!!! That was probably the second greatest mistake in my lifetime in later realizing what a criminal you turned out to be... No, scratch that, A MONSTER! You're a f--king monster and I genuinely wish that I had never met you, m0therf--ker! So yeah, I want this mistake undone. Period!

2) You criminally profited off of my back, my sacrifices, my tools/software, my time, my technical ideas, my work hours as it were, IN the face of a once-in-a-lifetime commercial opportunity with a commercial entity landing your name credited on 3 Sony PSP and 4 Steam PC official releases!!! You profited off of our de facto partnership in this situation and chose to treat it as an individual affair in a self-serving and selective manner and because of the criminal at XSEED who made the deal - you're beyond disgusting and the world should know just how much... You were morally/ethically obligated to contact me and include me in negotiations but instead engaged in silence which continued on for 3 years... You are behind another computer in another state and could get away with it after all, right ??

You were paid certain amounts for the translated results. You pocketed 100% of the payments and credit all for yourself! These were ill-gotten gains off my back in the "step 1" phase of the translation process and EVERY last work hour spent on such tasks becomes billable to you given this unexpected opportunity to commercialize the results! Or, my work hours become billable to XSEED Games in place of you since they knew of the partnership but deliberately chose to cheat me... One or the other, but since we all know what happened here, both of you are morally/ethically on the hook as far as I'm concerned, something you criminals avoided and played stupid about ever since.

To the point: In addition to the $550, you are to provide proof of what was paid in total and negotiate a split of such earnings plus penalty for your years of playing stupid and avoidance!!! That spell it out for you proper, M0THERF--KER ?!?! Or, you wanna play selective "typing logic games" with me whereby he who typed the English text wins, collects 100% credit, 100% profit, passes go, and the other guy, well, F--K THE OTHER GUY, huh ?? Huh, m0therf--ker ?? How stupid do you, Lipschultz, Ken Berry take me and the public for in understanding this issue ??

In the end, criminal, I know that only with successful legal action would the injustice that you perpetrated against me be corrected, that or with vigilante action so this is all moot... You are the most disgusting thing that ever happened to me and you will pay a price, at the very least, in the court of public opinion!! This isn't over by a long shot, you disgusting m0therf--ker! - I have a special surprise for XSEED eventually, so whatever the case, the both of you will undergo a maximum negative PR war in the meantime! No imaginary lawyer that you hired is gonna stop that!!

To put it in anachronistic terms, "I curse you," that's right you disgusting f--king criminal, I curse you and I wish nothing but the very worst for you and your disgusting life, a life you once tried to end yourself! Burn in hell! And you thought what, you were just gonna keep taking snipes in videogame magazine interviews or elsewhere and I would just continue to sit there in silence, let the both of you a$$holes get away with it ?? You thought WAY WRONG m0therf--ker!!!!!!

5) Miikka immediately deleted everything right after and that's how the exchange abruptly ended...

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I laid it out pretty well for the m0therf--ker though if he never got to read it given Miikka's quick deletion, the posting of it here I imagine will have gotten around to his attention. Either way, I preserve it here for the general public...

You know, back in 2010, I often wondered did B.J.Psycho DeuceBag in ANY way fight for me and say that I shouldn't be excluded, that it'd be wrong, that it'd be cheating me, that I should be credited, or even if he ever thought to put his foot down with an "All or Nothing" demand/ultimatum, that is, either NightWolve is included in this deal or I reject it, in order to force Lipschultz/XSEED to do business the right/moral way... Well, obviously, with the 3 years of silence, his answer to this all (a "cry me a river" response), and everything that I learned about him ever since, I was a f--king fool to have EVER thought for ONE F--KING SECOND that he might've tried to stand up for me!! This man is a callous monster! I gave him the benefit of the doubt in that Lipschultz/XSEED probably forced his hand, but yeah, Lipschultz didn't have to do any such thing, I see that now, this f--king criminal a$$hole had no problem "going along" with exactly what Lipschultz/XSEED wanted!!! He and Lipschultz were already conspiring together on the Ys Origin project before this XSEED deal came along after all!

One other thought I had is that I was so struck by the contrast in behavior: I know that if I had been contacted first, he would've been the first person to contact and celebrate with (if the work roles were reversed or even if it was for a PSP programming job, etc.), so I was really stunned by it in the beginning. But, a few months after May 2010 when I learned that Lipschultz was the man behind XSEED Games that had orchestrated the deal, a BIG light bulb went off in my head and I was like, "Oooooohhh, so that's why the m0therf--ker is playing stupid with me, not saying anything, etc. Now his behavior makes more sense!" The fact that it was Thomas Lipschultz that had been hired by XSEED, the man behind the "Dogi breaks walls" t-shirt, that told me EVERYTHING I needed to know about why "business" was conducted the way that it was and why B.J.Psycho DeuceBag was playing stupid!

Anyway, I guess if the Psycho DeuceBagger ever gets butt-hurt enough to threaten you with a lawyer demanding total deletion of "any and all references" of talking bad about him, you know the appropriate response to provide him with: "Cry me a river!" Heh.

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!