to taste justice...SHOVEL JUSTICE that is!!

only $9.99 at while on sale ($5 off from the regular price), why not ??

I had been wanting to buy this game for some time now after playing it at Best Buy many months ago and found myself actually! It's more than just a nod to classic retro gaming goodness like Megaman, Zelda II, etc. it actually had help from the original Megaman composer, Manami Matsumae, who wrote 2 tracks for it!!! This heavily influenced my decision to buy it, even though I'm very backlogged and rarely make time to play a game in full (barely one per year).
 | Can you dig it ? I SAY AGAIN, CAN YOU DIG IT ?? You know, the last knight that made fun of his shovel, well, he's not laughing anymore, let's just put it that way...  |
So, funny enough, while visiting my GOG account to actually make the purchase, I noticed I had Inbox notifications and I found 2 people had messaged me about "good ole"
XSEED->XGREED Games... Hah!! You can read what I wrote in full at my special donation to XSEED, my boycott page:

The unjust criminality of Tom Lipschultz, Jeff Nussbaum, Ken Berry Wrong, etc. under the banner of this "X.X.XSEED Games" outfit has NOT gone unnoticed folks! You can't fool all of the people ALL of the time, most especially with the mountain of bullshit "excuses" that Tom has concocted and showered the Internet with to defend all the shenanigans that transpired! These people really are petty, disgusting and I've never seen anything like this embarrassing company before...