Well, this patch took quite some time and difficutly to produce... January 15, 2002 resulted in the first full script dump; there were some extraction issues with a few strings due to control codes, but I figured those out later on. Around that time, Z0rn showed up to offer to translate it, but of course, with my luck he was gone after the mere translation of 60 strings. This project was my reason for building a translation management tool, which to this day, I still work on for additional features.
Around Saturday, March 09, 2002, Dave Shadoff recommended I talk to Paul England who had been around the Turbo List asking about the possibility of PCE translations. He came on board the project, and was able to become familiar with my translation tool to begin working. Progress was fast in the beginning, but slowed down dramatically with Paul's schedule. June 04, 2002 was the last major update I got from Paul before the BETA release. On Friday, July 05, 2002, a month of no translation effort, I had completed all hacking work, and I had ordered the script manually as it appears when playing the game, to give Paul the correct sequence and thus context of the storyline.
Returning the new translation tool, with the best possible script management, I left the ball in Paul's court for the rest. Wednesday, October 02, 2002, Paul's final work arrived at long last. I went to work editing, finalizing, etc. to produce the first beta patch around October 08, 2002... I decided to include 2 types of patches, one for the .ISO data track ripp, and the other for the proper full bin/cue ripp.
All in all, the hacking work took me about 3-4 months in total. The translation, the tools, the script management took the most time and is still ongoing... Well, the beta release came after ~9 months of wait and hard work. And now the close-to-final release...
It appears 12:44 PM 6/14/2004 is the date/time that I finally completed my script editing, play testing and began the release of the last patch into distribution. Akimaru's work finally was put to good use. So, I'm calling it quits from here on out, so it's the best it's gonna be... I hope everyone enjoys it. Lord knows I've spent an eternity on it... Wow, I can't believe it's been nearly 2.5 years... Well, here's to the PCE translation scene!!!
WHY would @XSEEDGames insult me by calling me "Hitler" when I would NEVER call them "Stalinists?" Oh well, I try so hard to be their friend - and maybe someday that will happen! twitter.com/realDona
Just got blocked by @XSEEDGames on Twitter a second ago.. I just wanted to express glee to the jerks for having kept their divisive, poisonous, criminal hands off of the new Ys VIII title & Gurumin, well, they had no choice, NISA poached everything out from under them! Live by the sword, perish by it... It took another ruthless ugly competitor to bring them to justice by taking the Ys series away, that sweet Falcom partnership, which they NEVER deserved!
Psycho Kirsten "omgfloofy" Miller called me a "f@gg0t" on Reddit by proxy with an animated meme! In a recent exchange, she spammed me with this: https://imgur.com/wA Who is Kirsten ? She did work for X.X.XSEED on Ys Celceta and is credited in the Special Thanks section... Don't they get more embarrassing the more you learn ? In the aftermath of the terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub where 50 people were executed, does dropping "f@gg0t" still fly in so a nonchalant fashion ? Source Link.
Is XSEED [Lame] "Games" waging a "war on women," specifically "little women" ? Do they pander to animated ped0philia-loving perverts ? Man, these headlines write themselves! Hah! Attaboy Tom, thanks for the lulz at least in the midst of all your criminality!
It's been 11 years since I managed a new PC Engine project, but I have indeed returned to the retro console platform I first started the ole fan translation gig with! Finally took the time to mention it here, >> Emerald Dragon <<.
1) Kinda funny, but Ken Berry, Director of Publishing of XSEED Games, did a Facebook block on me some time back... Heh-heh. Guess I should feel honored! That's in addition to Thomas "WyrdWad" Lipschultz of course after I sent him a PM. 2) OK, REALLY LOLOLOL FUNNY, X.X.XSEED Games is under fire by HuffingtonPuffington for what "may be one of the most despicable video games of all time!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Lipschultz is on the Comments section defending his two-bit, perv, criminal cheat of a company against the author of the blog article to boot, so is even the X.X.XSEED Cock-Flasher, it's a full-on freakshow! More of my thoughts here! Oh lordy, the delicious irony and glee here, I can't contain expressing it!