“Insanity’s Blade” – An indie 16-bit game now in Arcade Mode? Kickstarter-backed!

January 7th, 2014

Have this friend that’s been working on an indie game that actually managed to garner 100% Kickstarter backing. He recently decided to bump it up from the originally planned 8-bit retro style to 16-bit. So, I looked at that video in 720p mode and honestly this is the version I would rather play… Much better compared to the video and screenshots at the top. 4096 color-mode just about! After watching the whole level up to the boss, I gotta say, the game is far more in the kickass territory now given the music, color-level, effects, and considering it’s fan-made.

Here’s an aspect that was cut from the game, but I loved the music and idea of it so felt it worth preserving:

Obama’s Got His Eyes on You! :)

June 20th, 2013

Elbert Guillory: “Why I Am a Republican”

June 18th, 2013

This was pretty great! A politician changes party from democrat to republican and explains why!

Democrat Congressman’s son and director teaching us how to commit voter fraud!

October 25th, 2012

ABC slanders the Tea Party by tying it the Colorado killer, but Jon Stewart actually calls his own side out on it! – I have to cross the aisle and give him credit for it!

July 29th, 2012

Hell has frozen over! Jon Stewart does the right thing and calls out two democrat hacks, Brian Ross and George Stephanopolous of ABC News, after they “googled” for the shooter’s name and came up with a search result that they liked, the Tea Party, and quickly ran with it on the public air waves! Notice how they love just repeating the Tea Party in a news story about a mass shooting/killing just like they kept repeating Sarah Palin’s name in the middle of the drama after the Gabrielle Giffords assassination attempt!

Even after they reveal that they got the wrong guy, Brian Ross ends it with, “Earlier report I had that he was connected to the Tea Party… that was a different guy… he is not connected to the Tea Party“… Making sure to repeat the Tea Party again in a news story where 71+ people got shot and NO APOLOGY for bringing the movement into such a story in the first place! That smug look on his disgusting face says it all (These same fucks will smear Fox News all day long and ignore their own genuine bullshit!)! The Tea Party should quit taking these defamation attempts lying down and file a lawsuit! How long has the drive-by media been trying to cast racist and violent generalizations on them?? Stand up to these bastards for crying out loud! NBC doctored friggin’ 911 tapes in the Zimmerman case (to paint him as a racist), I mean, look at ’em!!! CNN used info from a vandalized Wikipedia page on Rush Limbaugh claiming that he was sorry that slavery had ended while praising Martin Luther King’s assassin!! Basically, putting a bulls eye on his back for the Black Panther Party to put out a “warrant” on him! Heh. Fact is, they WANTED to use such slander, and then worry about damage control afterwards! Rick Sanchez did have to apologize (one of the CNN hosts that reported it), but it was all bullshit/insincere, at least he was later fired for his Jews/media comments!


Email shows ICE delayed deporting Obama’s illegal immigrant uncle (Got favorable treatment even with DUI)

July 16th, 2012


Emails exchanged by top U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirm that ICE delayed the deportation of President Obama’s uncle, an illegal immigrant, and that they had a close eye on Mitt Romney’s view of the issue.

“Mr. Onyango is subject to a final order of deportation. ICE had granted him a stay of deportation effective until June 5, 2012,” Brian Hale, director of ICE’s public affairs, explained in an April 1, 2012 email to ICE Director John Morton that was obtained by Judicial Watch. “The stay was granted to allow him to attend pending criminal proceedings and to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings, which concluded before the Board of Immigration Appeals on January 29, 1992.”

The emails also show that Hale kept Morton apprised of how Onyango Obama’s case was playing in the media. When Mitt Romney said in December 2011 that he would deport Onyango Obama following his arrest for drunk driving, Hale sent the news report to Morton and other members of ICE leadership.

“It certainly appears that Obama’s uncle is receiving favorable treatment from the Obama administration, which explains that we had to sue in federal court to obtain this material,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “ICE should have deported Onyango immediately, especially after his DUI. We now know that the Obama administration decided not to deport Obama’s uncle despite his being a criminal and being on the lam for at least 20 years.”

Hatchet Man: The Rise of David Axelrod

July 6th, 2012


Awesome article on dealing with an uncensored background (a REAL background check, not a water-downed version the rest of the media gives you to bury the guy’s radicalism!) of David Axelrod, Barack “NOT-THAT-HUSSEIN” Osama-Obama-Yomama’s “Karl Rove”, the brains behind the scenes that got him elected!! This commie freak, along with Obama, are among the most radical forces in our country. Never have such radicals on the far-left fringe have been able to accomplish so much! The association with Soviets/Communists is all over the place. Anyway, it’s a LONG article and I can’t believe it, but I read the whole thing. Damn good read!

John Roberts a Supreme Failure…an Obamination!

July 1st, 2012

I remember how awesome John Roberts handled himself in the confirmation hearings and I would still recommend watching them as they were quite informative, most especially on how to handle ultrapartisan hack democrats, but with Roberts apparently flipping his vote while Kennedy — the usual swing voter on the court — actually voted to FULLY overturn the Affordable Health Care Act (AKA this Obamacare monstrosity), nobody could’ve predicted this bizarre and disastrous outcome! Nobody saw this one coming!! Most were predicting that at least the mandate would be thrown out, that is the act forcing you to go out and buy something (insurance) just for being alive – this is not a power the federal government is supposed to have (the US Constitution provides for a limited federal government, with limited types of taxes that it can levy even).

We knew what the political hacks masquerading as judges were going to do, like the fringe ACLU hag, Baby Ruth Vader Ginsburg, the 2 Obammunist hacks that Obama appointed (Elena Kagan, Sonya Sotomayor) and the other rogue judicial appointee, Stephen Breyer. But for John Roberts to have joined the 4 rogue justices in upholding this debacle as a tax which will forever change the relationship between the federal government and the citizen (the Fed is as powerful as your State government, e.g. the State forcing you to buy car insurance) shows he may wind up being another Souter. Ann Coulter may have got it right back in ’05 when she referred to him as a “Souter in Roberts’ Clothing…”

What an unbelievable, horrifying disaster/debacle! And Anthony Kennedy was willing to save the day by completely declaring the law unconstitutional, but Roberts wanted to be a hero to the democrats for whatever reasons – if it’s true that he allowed political pressure to influence his decision at the last minute, then he is no better than the freaks like Ginsburg (really, she’s so loathsome, the most radical, far-left cultural-marxist ideologue to sit on the court, just doesn’t belong there, period)! You’re supposed to fight for the Constitution, NOT for the radical ideology of power-hungry democrats who look upon it as outdated and too-limiting when they’re not pretending to support it! This disgusting president has been overtly intimidating this court (see: the Citizens United case), just like FDR did decades ago, (threatening it with “court-packing”) and that’s exactly the kind of thing it’s supposed to be protected from so that it can make intellectually HONEST decisions, not pander to hostile mobs like the Occupiers or the NY Times (YEAH, they ARE a political mob of far left news-reporting hacks!)! Repeat, this is a DISASTER and A LOT was a stake here! A LOT! Shame on you, Roberts! Shame on you!!!!

I can’t wait for this horrifying presidency to be over! It really has been an Obamination! This cokehead neo-Marxist president has done so much irreversible damage to the country along with those 2 years when democrats had FULL control of the House and Senate with filibuster-proof majorities… He’s the most radical, partisan hack to be elected president in the history of the country, raised and influenced by radical Marxists/Socialists/Communists, in other words, the far-left freakshow! Two of his communist friends were domestic terrorists (of the Weather Underground group) that bombed the country! He would not have won were it not for all the corrupt democrat hacks in the media covering for him, ridiculously presenting him as a centrist, a “post-partisan” unifier, etc and using Bush’s later unpopularity… Who the fuck were they kidding? What a nightmare, please let it end come next election!

In summarizing Obamacare:

Let me get this straight …… We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President who smokes (and was once a cokehead), with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we’ll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke!!!!!

But it’s all gonna work out cause 57 States Obama (dumb as a box of rocks when without a teleprompter) knows what the fuck he’s doing, right ??

Good/Decent article(s):

  1. NAPOLITANO: Roberts unleashes vast federal power – (Basis for high court ruling not found in the Constitution)
  2. I Am Barack Obama’s Worst Nightmare – DAMN RIGHT! Quote: “I am a thinking, educated, intelligent, independent voter. … But the most significant thing that makes Barack Obama view me as his worst nightmare is simply this: I tell the truth about him. I don’t need to lie. I don’t need to “create” a narrative. What he has done all by himself is so appalling that any need for embellishment is stillborn.”
  3. The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax
  4. If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached
  5. The Chief Justice Done Good – Although I find this notion questionable, but worth a look.
  6. Why I Walked Out on John Roberts – “The Monday-morning quarterbacking after the ObamaCare decision is that Roberts sought to preserve the reputation of the Court from partisan attacks by the left, and that he tried to please both the left and the right by rejecting the “commerce clause” argument but still upholding the legislation. From what I saw of him, I think that’s probably true. But Roberts’s decision saddled the nation with an execrable 2,700-page law that gives government control over nearly 20% of the economy, allows unlimited future taxation to control our behavior, and makes our dietary practices, sexual practices, and mental health the concern of federal bureaucrats in Washington. His decision may have pleased the country-club moderates, but I suspect that James Madison is rolling in his grave.”
  7. A Vast New Taxing Power – The last paragraph is nail on the head: “It is not our job,” the Chief Justice writes, “to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.” But the Court’s most important role is to protect liberty when the political branches exceed the Constitution’s bounds, not to bless their excesses in the interests of political or personal expediency or both. On one of the most consequential cases he will ever hear, Chief Justice Roberts failed this most basic responsibility.
  8. John Roberts’ Travesty, Point by Point

    Tax Mandate

ABC News Channel is approved by 9/11 terrorists! Eheh!

May 3rd, 2012


This news article was cracking me up today! It was the first news link in my yahoo mail account when I logged in. Basically, Al-Qaida’s top spokesman commented on our media outlets and thanks to him, we now know that “ABC News” is essentially Al-Qaida-approved!!! Hahah! That’s right, the terrorist group that attacked us on 9/11 says the following: “ABC channel is all right; actually it could be one of the best channels, as far as we are concerned.” – One of the best channels as far as they’re concerned, meaning for their “purposes…” Hahaha!

I dunno if the author of this article is trying to smear Fox News, because that is the quote that he picked out of this report to title his article with. There are many interpretations, such as, is it bad to be hated or considered an enemy by a terrorist group hell-bent on our destruction? Or, are we supposed to agree with Al-Qaida when they tell us that Fox News isn’t neutral or “useful enough” ?? Is the joke supposed to be about the media outlets that the terrorists approve/like or is it supposed to be that, “See, see, I told ya, I told ya, even Al-Qaida doesn’t think Fox News is fair and balanced!!!” Anyhow, we know how much the American Left and democrats hate Fox News, and now we know that they have an ally in their hate, Al-Qaida!! It’s all about finding common ground with our worst enemies, you know?? Hahah!

Strassel: The President Has a List (Osbama intimidating donors to Mitt Romney’s campaign.)

April 27th, 2012

Our beloved Prezident Barack “The Bullshevik” Osama-Obama-Yomama letting his enemies know whazzzup! 😉

Try this thought experiment: You decide to donate money to Mitt Romney. You want change in the Oval Office, so you engage in your democratic right to send a check.

Several days later, President Barack Obama, the most powerful man on the planet, singles you out by name. His campaign brands you a Romney donor, shames you for “betting against America,” and accuses you of having a “less-than-reputable” record. The message from the man who controls the Justice Department (which can indict you), the SEC (which can fine you), and the IRS (which can audit you), is clear: You made a mistake donating that money.

Are you worried?

Richard Nixon’s “enemies list” appalled the country for the simple reason that presidents hold a unique trust. Unlike senators or congressmen, presidents alone represent all Americans. Their powers—to jail, to fine, to bankrupt—are also so vast as to require restraint. Any president who targets a private citizen for his politics is de facto engaged in government intimidation and threats. This is why presidents since Nixon have carefully avoided the practice.

Save Mr. Obama, who acknowledges no rules. This past week, one of his campaign websites posted an item entitled “Behind the curtain: A brief history of Romney’s donors.” In the post, the Obama campaign named and shamed eight private citizens who had donated to his opponent. Describing the givers as all having “less-than-reputable records,” the post went on to make the extraordinary accusations that “quite a few” have also been “on the wrong side of the law” and profiting at “the expense of so many Americans.”

These are people like Paul Schorr and Sam and Jeffrey Fox, investors who the site outed for the crime of having “outsourced” jobs. T. Martin Fiorentino is scored for his work for a firm that forecloses on homes. Louis Bacon (a hedge-fund manager), Kent Burton (a “lobbyist”) and Thomas O’Malley (an energy CEO) stand accused of profiting from oil. Frank VanderSloot, the CEO of a home-products firm, is slimed as a “bitter foe of the gay rights movement.”

These are wealthy individuals, to be sure, but private citizens nonetheless. Not one holds elected office. Not one is a criminal. Not one has the barest fraction of the position or the power of the U.S. leader who is publicly assaulting them.

“We don’t tolerate presidents or people of high power to do these things,” says Theodore Olson, the former U.S. solicitor general. “When you have the power of the presidency—the power of the IRS, the INS, the Justice Department, the DEA, the SEC—what you have effectively done is put these guys’ names up on ‘Wanted’ posters in government offices.” Mr. Olson knows these tactics, having demanded that the 44th president cease publicly targeting Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries, which he represents. He’s been ignored.

The real crime of the men, as the website tacitly acknowledges, is that they have given money to Mr. Romney. This fundraiser of a president has shown an acute appreciation for the power of money to win elections, and a cutthroat approach to intimidating those who might give to his opponents.

He’s targeted insurers, oil firms and Wall Street—letting it be known that those who oppose his policies might face political or legislative retribution. He lectured the Supreme Court for giving companies more free speech and (falsely) accused the Chamber of Commerce of using foreign money to bankroll U.S. elections. The White House even ginned up an executive order (yet to be released) to require companies to list political donations as a condition of bidding for government contracts. Companies could bid but lose out for donating to Republicans. Or they could quit donating to the GOP—Mr. Obama’s real aim.

The White House has couched its attacks in the language of “disclosure” and the argument that corporations should not have the same speech rights as individuals. But now, says Rory Cooper of the Heritage Foundation, “he’s doing the same at the individual level, for anyone who opposes his policies.” Any giver, at any level, risks reprisal from the president of the United States.

It’s getting worse because the money game is not going as Team Obama wants. Super PACs are helping the GOP to level the playing field against Democratic super-spenders. Prominent financial players are backing Mr. Romney. The White House’s new strategy is thus to delegitimize Mr. Romney (by attacking his donors) as it seeks to frighten others out of giving.

The Obama campaign has justified any action on the grounds that it has a right to “hold the eventual Republican nominee accountable,” but this is a dodge. Politics is rough, but a president has obligations that transcend those of a candidate. He swore an oath to protect and defend a Constitution that gives every American the right to partake in democracy, free of fear of government intimidation or disfavored treatment. If Mr. Obama isn’t going to act like a president, he bolsters the argument that he doesn’t deserve to be one.