In dedication of XSEED Games and the WyrdWad KKK Witch era, we present Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum in his own words:

Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking the innocent families of fans he wants to see die and help kill [painfully]!! Not the first time: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This unhinged hypocrite bigoted bastard showing up from in my forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an "embarassment" had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL!!

So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character, you see):
Only bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles are 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: Wanna help finish the Felghana patch? I need volunteers for remaining tasks!  (Read 61262 times)

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Offline Gwyrgyn Blood

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Just threw you a donation too. I played through 1&2 just a short while ago and loved them. Started playing Oath, and it's definitely different. I've noticed a definitive lack of save points in dungeons, and it has made me very paranoid. :/

Offline zaratus

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I've noticed a definitive lack of save points in dungeons, and it has made me very paranoid. :/

Pretty much all the dungeon save points (save for one, I believe) are right before a boss.  It makes it a bit tricky at the beginning, but if you've gotten the "Wings" item, make sure to use that for a quick escape if you need to.  A much better alternative than dying. 

Offline duke4711

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I think they have the save points right before the bosses so you can at least refill your energy. The thing I miss in YsF is not having healing herbs to use during the boss fights. It really makes the battle that much more intense. Over all, I'd say this is the best Ys game yet, although I still haven't had a chance to pick up Origin. I was just wondering. . . any plans to translate it?
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cant wait to play it with the patch cause i cant play it in japanese language right now cause my computers cd was in a box full of other computer stuff so then i take it to the basement and somebody moved it somewhere and now i cant find it and no  one admits they moved it >:(
my computer doesent have japanese language control on anymore because i couldent type on phantasy star but now i dont play it for pc any more. so now i have no idea where that dam box is and i cant play japanese games :(
i'll try to give a donation sometime.

Offline NightWolve

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Concerning the font request I made here, I'm going to use one that MP83 provided privately, as nobody else offered anything. My request may have got lost with all the other comments that came after, but I was in search of a font earlier for the Mural aspect of the game.

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Offline geise

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I've been playing Oath for a while now and I want to say thank you Nightwolve.  I will be sending you another nice donation next pay day.  Yeah I was wondering about the Mural cause I just finished that part the other day.  I jsut figured it would maybe be done in the next patch release.  Well another reason to play through the game again doesn't hurt. ;)  Thanks again Nightwolve.

Offline NightWolve

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You are welcome Mr. geise. More donations = I approve.
OK, it looks like we have a winner as far as font picks go, thanks to MP83. I approve of it. Psycho DeuceBag approves of it, and that means, you have no choice in the matter but to approve of it also. This is not a democratic operation I run here by any stretch of the imagination... ;)

Here is the font in action attached below (spoilers). I think it is kickass and you will too. If you don't, well, you're probably one of those sticklers who thinks the default soundtrack Falcom included with Ys I & II Complete is better than the Ryo arranged alternate soundtracks Psycho DeuceBag and I helped make available. If so, your opinion really, really, it just does not count... Seriously. I could not stress that enough. :P

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Offline Neo-Kaiser

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That font looks excellent but if you want to have something that looks like the Japanese one is just that one but with less bold or may I say a little thinner but just a little bit. The problem is that I cannot find it........sorry......

Offline duke4711

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I like it. Most definitely kick ass!
Great spirits have always received violent opposition from mediocre minds.
-Albert Einstein

Offline Neo-Kaiser

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I agree! If no one can't find a better one then I say go with this one.

Offline Justus

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I like the way that looks better than the original.

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Yeah, the font looks nice.  Don't change it. 

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When all else fails, we shall whip the horse's eyes and make
them sleep, and cry.

Offline NightWolve

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Alright, update time. It's been too long and things obviously didn't go exactly as planned. Development for the official version 1.00 patch is basically on hold. I haven't worked on it for at least a month or so. To summarize, based on certain events, I had decided I wanted to add vigorous runtime disc checks and I now also want to add a form of Activation during patchtime. The research on the first task took much longer than I had hoped and my window to work on the project closed with the coming of summer (around March/April). I still have more research to do on that, as well as for that Activation idea I've been pondering. Thus, polling for an update here is a waste of time. Things being as they are, I just have to leave it on hold indefinitely. Now while I could be finished at this point if I went public without the anti-pirating measures I mentioned above, ensuring that only Falcom supporters that purchased the game will get to enjoy the final prize matters more to me (An uphill battle unfortunately, but I think it'll payoff if I get to resuse the work for Ys Origin). Well, there is also one more unresolved issue that matters to me, though I have little choice but to put that on hold as well.

Anyway, I've been back to work on my remodeling project and so you aren't/won't be seeing me online that much anymore. I'll be checking my email and the board every other weekend or at random (depends) if you need to reach me. If I don't get back to you soon enough, this would be why. As for where does all this leave the patch?? It's up in the air. If things go well enough with my remodeling work this summer, I'll continue it right after I'm done with that. (Someone had asked me if I was going to just drop the whole project, so just letting you know that that's not the case if it began to appear that way to you as well.)

Last thing, lemme give a special thanks out to my donators in general (well, minus say certain thieving pieces of garbage, the 'Hero of the Warez' himself, and whatever other butt-pirate cohorts aided in spreading the spoils as rapidly as possible with whatever pirating network they could find - they've mastered stealing Falcom games for so long, my patch was no exception. What with such moralists that they are, my 'greed' had to be stopped, right along with Falcom's.). But most especially though, I wanna thank Cortney D., Mjmmx, Dave S., Jacob B., GillianSeed, Carroll K., Indalecio, Mejilan, Miles (YOU RASCAL!), Jonathan L. , Justus, TDOMMX, Richard L., Escarioth, and Raigan. These are my top 15, amazingly generous donators most of which helped save the day to some extent. Some have been with me from the start and even have had an inside look into my work throughout its advancement which has been a mutually rewarding experience, while others only found me recently with just this project. Again, it's all much appreciated.

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But most especially though, I wanna thank Cortney D., Mjmmx, Dave S., Jacob B., GillianSeed, Carroll K., Indalecio, Mejilan, Miles (YOU RASCAL!), Jonathan L. , Justus, TDOMMX, Richard L., Escarioth, and Raigan. These are my top 15, amazingly generous donators most of which helped save the day to some extent.

(Steals a bow) Don't mention it, Night' 8).

This may be bad timing since I left this on the backburner for so long, but I made a list of all the problem areas I noticed when I was playing through the work-in-progress patch.  I finished Felghana about a month ago, but I didn't get around to typing my notes (from paper) until this morning.  Sorry :-[.  It's mostly minor typos and grammar fixes, but I noticed a few glaring problems such as text being truncated on the right side of the window.  I look forward to the finished version of the patch.
This is TDOMMX (formerly Magus0857) signing out.

Offline NightWolve

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This may be bad timing since I left this on the backburner for so long, but I made a list of all the problem areas I noticed when I was playing through the work-in-progress patch.  I finished Felghana about a month ago, but I didn't get around to typing my notes (from paper) until this morning.  Sorry :-[.  It's mostly minor typos and grammar fixes, but I noticed a few glaring problems such as text being truncated on the right side of the window.  I look forward to the finished version of the patch.

No, it's alright. You're one of the few that actually bothered to provide feedback. As a serious BETA testing period, even with all this time, it has mostly been a failure. It's basically been a handful of people, you included, that took the time to take some notes and report back issues to me. That screenshot shows you caught something serious that I didn't know about. I'm sure somebody else caught something like that, but it was never reported.

Anyway, thanks. I'll add these fixes in when I return to working on the patch. If you find anything else, just add it on to this thread.

EDIT: I checked on that string. I see what happened. I set that string up for full message box wrapping which is for when there is no image to the left of the message box taking up space. When I use my message box emulator and look at the string, it looks fine. But when I run my wrap routine, the string is broken up as follows:

This was right after everyone in the castle started to transform.<\0>

This was right after everyone in the castle started<brk>\n
to transform.<\0>

Anyway, no biggie. I guess I had tweaked the wrap routine to behave more accurately later (it's tricky to perfect it, especially here with adjustable game resolutions producing slightly different font scaling in each case), and never re-ran it on this particular string. That's what must've happened. Plus, my message box emulator is still inaccurate leaving me thinking this was OK.

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Offline Raigan

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I haven't actually had much time to play Felghana since I got it. Transitioning job/living place factored into that as well as an unplanned business trip to Alaska. Worse, it doesn't look like I'll get to do it soon simply because they're moving me again. This time to Las Vegas though instead of .... Huntsville, Alabama.  So I've done as much as to pop in Felghana, install it, install the patch and play to the Illburn Ruins. That's about it. So uh... beta report... it works on Vista 64 bit. *hides*
I would display an emote here, but I cannot seem to find one of a face melting off in horror.

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Hi people !
After some test i found this problem:

In 1024x768 without High resolution text

In 1024x768 with High resolution text

In 800x600 without High resolution text

In 1680x1050 without High resolution text

So this problem is only for 1024 resolution without high resolution text. With superior or inferior resolution there is no problem without or with High resolution text.
But there is something in 1024x768, the font seems to be bigger, watch this title screen capture:

So if someone play in 1024x768, because you don't have a powerfull PC, don't forget to activate High resolution texture.

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Alright, I had a moment and took care of that now. The simple workaround is to force High Resolution Text to remain permanently enabled since when it's disabled, that seems to affect the specified scaled font size per resolution setting. (I was aware of this problem BTW, but I had just said to leave that setting enabled to get around it in the meantime. Anyway, it's taken care of now.)

Incidentally, should one be curious as to what this does exactly, this setting merely translates to telling Windows to anti-alias the font. If you're using Windows XP or better, the ClearType anti-aliasing method is used. If not, the older, less advanced anti-aliasing method is used. Future versions of the patch will only support Windows 2000/XP/Vista, so in the case of 2000 is when you'll get the poorer anti-aliasing quality. Win9X/ME will be phased out, not because of this, but for other reasons.

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<whew> still in the clear with my Windoze 2000 pro I'm too lazy to update :)

Offline cringer_luvr

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With that nice new double set available any word on when the complete Oath and or Origins patch will be available? been toying around w/ the Oath some <dang wish they had the double set offer earlier this year>
peach out gang  :D

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I guess I'll have to make a more formal and organized announcement when I return in October.

I've decided that all of my more important personal milestones will have to be reached before I return to working on anything related to fan translations. Originally, that was just finishing up the remodeling project that I've currently been busy with. I thought once I finished that, I'd work on the patch right after, and then get my career back on track, etc. However, that idea has since proved itself unwise with time. Given the types of changes that I wanna implement for the patch, it would've been preferable to finish it before I get tied up even further, obviously, but it appears it's just not in the cards... My hand has been forced, so I'll have to deal with my career issues first, then I'll get back to fan translation work.

There is also another very recent obstacle that presented itself by Nightcrawler and his site. That'll have to be dealt with later since they have refused to comply with my deletion requests of all site content related to my projects and have continued to protect the IP address of an [moral] extortionist that turned up at their forums. (Quite ironic with Nightcrawler in particular as he usually doesn't have a problem when it comes to deleting things - I can attest to this personally.)

You can consider me temporarily retired with everything basically on hold until further notice. That was the original plan mind you, but it was supposed to happen after patchwork for Felghana was fully completed and released. But, as is now well-known, others came up with a different "release" plan and thus permanently altered this project's destiny.

Yup, I remember it all clearly... It was January 29, 2007, 3:21 PM PT, over at that most unholy, decidedly uncivilized union of GaySpot & GayFAQs. Someone there had just created a user account with the ID "GF_Alt" (to conceal his regular identity) for the purposes of leaking the lastest BETA build of the patch to the public... It spread like wildfire ever since. Even today there are 20-30 daily detectable warez butt-pirating degenerates installing the patch. (That's what I can detect, mind you, which doesn't count all the pre-patched images going out on torrents.)

Suffice to say, GF_Alt's decision to have effectively seized partial control of the project by deciding what should be released to the general freeloading public will have to stand, indefinitely... Yes, even beyond the 7 months thus far. I'm not gonna be in the business of making more shaky predictions as to when the final version will be ready. Every other prediction I've made came out wrong. That gets tiring for everyone, me included.

It has been truly difficult to accept that there would be someone so callously willing to jeopardize the project the way he did, especially considering it was so close to completion. Moreover, the prick is still on my list of donators. He remains unidentified and thus continues to elude justice... I suppose all I have is bad karma to hope for...

Anyway, that's a preview of what I have to talk about when I return. Basically, no work will continue until certain milestones have been reached and I don't have much of a way to predict how long those will take. In the case of, I think I might actually have to hold all projects hostage (Ys Origin included), call upon a bit of activism of folks here to continously email staff members there (or use their contact form) until they comply with my requests rather than play stupid with me. (What pisses me off is I shouldn't ever have had to deal with Nightcrawler again (let alone mention the name), but events forced it. He refuses to disconnect his site from my projects and that's a big fucking problem to me that ain't gonna go away for numerous reasons. The whole fucking staff there, even with the mitigating circumstances of having "members" open to extortion, played stupid/silent with me the whole time I tried to deal with this issue privately. Seems like everything these fucking days has to be done the hard way...)

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You want them to delete :
These two records, and your ID name NightWolve?
I can at least e-mail about that.

Reading that is sad, but expected.  As wonderful as it is to give and give;  if you're human you'll want to recieve as well.  Charity is hard to come by for some reason; and living in this strange time where balance is still all over the place isn't helping.  Will there be a day when the internet becomes more of a marketplace and library for the world, and less of a blackmarket for sharing other people's goods?
I hope there somehow becomes a balance, for I don't think the greedy possibilites of the internet are going to fade away soon.  This would be a non-issue maybe if we could just download money, food etc.

Ah sorry for getting off topic.  As long as you are willing to come back, there will be some fans eager to help, and to wish you well.  What you and the few who have worked together have accomplished, won't soon be forgotten by those who care about Ys. 

So hurry up and come back and work more magic~
But, seriously take all the time you want or need to get your career and life flowing along again.

Oh and keep that PayPal account open.. ;)
« Last Edit: Sep. 08, 2007, 03:52:27 PM by X-Calibar »

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Nightwolve is it possible to make a patch using Serial numbers? I mean when somebody leaks the patch you can always track down who was responbile for leaking the patch with the serial numbers. Maybe you can tried that the next time to prevent something like GF_ALT from happening again.

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You want them to delete :
These two records, and your ID name NightWolve?
I can at least e-mail about that.

That's a start. I finally got around to addressing this somewhat over here. All the links I tried privately to get them to delete are there.

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Long time no see (for those that remember me.  School has been busy like hell.

Just liked to say one thing.  If every site decides to remove all your patches (as impossible as that sounds) and then you release the final version of Felghana and lets say a playable version of origin, all of your patches would go right back up thier and you'll go back to the same problem.  I say learn japanesse for those that cant pay and for nightwolve, stop waisting your time, as much as it is a gift for everybody, it shouldnt be free.