In dedication of XXXSEED Games and the WyrdWad KKK Witch era, we present Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum in his own words:

Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking innocent families of fans he wants to watch die AND help murder/kill [painfully]!! And I for one did *Nazi* see that coming! Remember how a defining part of the WyrdWad era (Tom-chan Lipschultz) was equating targets to Hitler/Nazis ? Isn't this rant by Jeff/Deuce a Nazi eugenicist speech ? The "superior" fat, bald, cocky cock-flasher says numerous people AND their offspring need to be exterminated/murdered for being inferior, who represent a "pollution" of the human gene pool... Sure sounds like a Nazi rant, am I wrong XSEED fans/shills ?? Looking at you, DigitalEmelas! I mean, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, ya know ?? But what do I know right ? Everybody's ignoring it and other XSEED embarrassments... This vile psycho SOB got a pass for just about anything awful and toxic that he ever said/did (meanwhile my alleged "sins" can NEVER be forgiven according to him/Tom)!)! Worse, NIS America keeps on letting him poison the Ys series with his mere disgusting presence and questionable WWWJDIC-assisted translations!

This type of homicidal outburst by the "severely misanthropic, extremely arrogant, self-involved asshole" (100% HIS words!) wasn't the first either: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." I was also added to his kill-list when I trolled him on Kotaku's KKK Witches article (he wants me to die by an acid bath and/or brain disease)... Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This unhinged hypocrite bigoted bastard showing up from in my forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an "embarrassment" had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL!!

Jeff and Tom are so arrogant/confident (you've seen it!) about their self-serving criminal views on localization partnerships and commercial selling AFTER you've taken THOUSANDS of work hours from fan co-workers on a project created under FAN TERMS (BY FANS, FOR FANS, NOT COMPANIES!), but WHY didn't they disclose such "views" from the very FIRST project ? Why after 5 projects/5 years ?? Didn't your partners have a fucking right to know something THAT serious/important ?? I'll tell you why: Because they would've been BANNED on sight! NOBODY would accept such terms, not me, not GideonZhi, not anyone; everyone would tell you to go fuck yourself and find another chump to work for free for you, so by failing to disclose them they operated under deception, that's a scam! Begging for free work hours from likeminded Falcom fans so you can build up a finished localization portfolio of up to 5 games/scripts, then commercially selling them in secret collusion almost all at once IS A SCAM! THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT THEY DID! 2 cocky/cunty localization scammers in the industry and 1 shitty company that got away with it! I didn't even wanna work on Ys Origin, I was gonna delete my site, but Jeff came to me crying, telling me "Please don't take the Ys series away from me, it's the only thing I'm proud of in my life..." Of course, he was *proud* to take it from *me* helping WyrdWad continue his obsessed sabotage/proxy-harassment/incitement efforts over the years! The psycho is not gonna tell you about that now NOR his 40%/60% royalty split demands which he was adamant on if I proceeded with a payware idea (which he cancelled after the $550 payment and for me being too slow as 2 years elapsed! So, he could still play the hero in the end!), and people see how he talks about me nowadays... He then proceeded to guilt me by telling me about his suicide-attempt and being crippled from a knee injury, walking with a cane, etc... I never did anything but support and help him across 8 years, even finally paying him ($550), in return he cheated me from a 1 in a billion opportunity, and demonized my name ever since to score points/pander, justify these later double-cross actions!!!

Recently in 2024, he cheated me again out of crediting for 1 week of labor on Samurai Shodown RPG, the BmpTileFlip tool I built for him (per his request) to mod an English font in (of course the guy that cheated you on THOUSANDS of work hours on Ys projects would cheat you for 7 days on this one!)! I remember falsely being accused of talking about the leaker in a DM (I just wanted to show him worldwide Ys patch installation logging!), I was NOT, but he pretended I was, said I had an "obsession" with him which was also false (It was his disgusting, reductionist compare/contrast habit where he'd write that he has an obsession with the Ys series, while "that other guy" has an obsession with the Ys leaker, so HE is the real Ys fan!). He was simply preparing me for the double-cross with WyrdWad's team and was gonna cite the leaker as a main reason, so his talking-point/tactic was gonna be to trump-up charges, smear me as spending "2 WHOLE YEARS" on him/the leak issue, etc. (No evidence for his insane psycho lies, he uses the passage of time to smear you, implying you did X Y or Z for "all these years..." as if I live inside a computer! Even this post I wrote, he'll literally subtract 2024 from 2007 when the Felghana leak happened and claim ~17 YEARS SPENT ON THIS, imply 365 days/year, 100,000 hours was spent/planned on writing something negative about him/XSEED, the poor little underdog angels that they are!!!). If I said the leaker's name once again, he'd pretend I said it 1000 times AND spent 100,000 work hours on him (somehow!), always in the direction of hyperbolic/trumped-up charges to an absurd/comical/insane degree because he was looking to break that Ys Origin agreement behind my back despite having taken more work hours and CAT translation software from me! You get the idea!

I guess the master plan worked out nicely ? Real fucking "hero" of the people, huh ?? There were better/sane/rational ways to cancel our Ys Origin agreement but he chose the worst, most vile way when I didn't even wanna work on the project to begin with! It's just that WyrdWad's team presented him with a plan B and he could throw me under the bus, walk away both with the $550 and gain some sort of "hero" status... Truly a vile fucking bastard, dragged me into it only to ruthlessly kick me out of it once he was sure he didn't need me anymore to finish the rest of the project... Of course nobody imagined WyrdWad would get hired by 2 former Squaresoft bosses just as they had gained a Falcom partnership, so because of Jeff's troll games before that, WyrdWad just copied the same double-cross idea/action. Jeff becoming the "secret translator" for WyrdWad's fan team, that idea was ported by WyrdWad for XSEED on ALL our past projects! And I had to be continuously demonized/blacklisted/shunned as "the worst person in the world" to justify it yet even today I don't really know what I did to these psychos to justify something so cruel/unjust/unfair/despicable! I couldn't be forgiven 3 or even 5 years later, they just kept on doing it!!! Who's the real embarrassment now though ?? Look at his posts! Ys fans know if *I* wrote something like that WyrdWad Tom would list it as the #1 reason why I was unprofessional/embarrassing/a PR nightmare and to be avoided!!! But you know how it goes, all the XSEED allies will never say a word about it! Very few will ever know just how vile Jeff truly is as a human being!

It's one thing to have your [criminal] views, it's another thing to impose them on someone else without consent! If he (or Tom on the Ys Felghana project!) told me from the very first Ys fan project that he becomes the "100% master CEO/owner" of the translated script for potential/possible future commercial sales and I'd just be the uncredited "slave," (that's NOT a "partnership" despite him ONLY calling it that when he announced he "dissolved" it JUST IN TIME for secret sales to XSEED Games!!! AMAZING COINCIDENCE!!) I'd tell him to find someone else you motherfucker! Period. Never mind the sabotage/threat this represents to all other fan partnerships: producers like GideonZhi have to watch their backs from translators plotting secret sales to companies and using XSEED as a precedent to cut out all their partners! What if I had finished not 5, but 15 or 25 Falcom projects with Jeff, and each time he's sneaking into my CAT translation software exporting a finished Falcom script, pocketing 100% credit/100% payment, year after year, and STILL ghosting me like I never existed ??? WHAT THEN ??? At what point do even the most dedicated XSEED shills like Limfinite/DigitalEmelas recognize this as massive worker abuse ?? Tom/Jeff keep on telling the world they did nothing wrong, right ?? And whether 5 or 50 finished projects involving my free fan labor was involved, Jeff was "free" to keep on making these commercial sales without my consent/negiotiation/involvement, right ??? HOW INSANE IS THAT ??? And yet, these are REAL people who stand by this, STILL unrepentant, STILL won't apologize for it, and worse, STILL spreading lies/misinformation about their victim and the situation! If you finally realized these homicidal psychos/pedo-predators didn't think it through and all the possible ramifications/consequences, then you'd be correct! They didn't! Tom-chan just needed that sweet revenge, that's ALL that mattered to that particular DISGUSTING SOB! He could've let XSEED continue with normal contractors, but nope, I had to be targeted in some way AGAIN!!!! I do wonder if in their heads it still feels "good" or not but you'll never get a straight answer from a psycho liar...

So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character/reputation, you see):
While you are NOT credit-worthy, bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles ARE 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D


Which version of Ys IV is your favorite?

Ys IV: Mask of the Sun (Super Famicom)
8 (9.9%)
Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys (PC Engine Super CD-ROM²)
43 (53.1%)
Ys IV: Mask of the Sun - A New Theory (PS2)
3 (3.7%)
I love 'em all / Can't decide
27 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 67

Author Topic: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!  (Read 42208 times)

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Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« on: Jan. 23, 2006, 02:10:48 PM »
Thought I'd try to get some discussion going here. So, let us discuss which version of Ys IV that is the best one. Come on now. :rolleyes:

Edit: Since it was possible to vote again now, I have reset the poll. So vote again folks!  ;)
« Last Edit: Feb. 18, 2006, 07:17:51 PM by Seldane »
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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #1 on: Jan. 23, 2006, 02:39:48 PM »
This is a joke topic, isn't it, Seldane? :P

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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #2 on: Jan. 23, 2006, 09:07:21 PM »
I don't think this is a joke, I loved the TG16 version. But what the hell?!!! I didn't even know there is a PS2 version!!!!!! (been outta date for awhile)..

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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #3 on: Jan. 23, 2006, 11:22:35 PM »
"Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys" hands down. I once tried playing the crappy patch Shimarisu did for the SNES version and it is just simply terrible. TERRIBLE!!!! Maybe it is a decent game, but you certainly won't be able to tell until that translation patch is entirely revamped, which incidentally, I hear Ghideon Zhi does plan on doing some time in the future.

I never finished the game I started BTW; I couldn't manage to force myself to finish it off. I tried again a while back, but it had been so long that I put off continuing, I got stuck and didn't know what to do next. Course, I didn't feel like starting over, so that was that...

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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #4 on: Jan. 24, 2006, 07:52:43 AM »
Personally, I'm a little unsure about this.

When I played Ys IV years ago, I loved it. Loved it. I played through it almost instantly.

When I first played Ys IV The Dawn of Ys, I did like it a little, but got sick of it pretty fast. I stopped playing it entirely when I got stuck at one point. I tried to pick it up a couple of times but never really got into it since I didn't remember what had happened in the game (just like your Mask of the Sun story).

When your English patch came out, I started playing the game more seriously. This time I really enjoyed the game, but when I had finished about 2/3 of the game, Magic Engine decided to corrupt my whole SRAM data. I didn't feel like starting over so soon, so I dropped it.

After maybe six months, I started over again. This time I really enjoyed the game, and I got past the point where my previous save file got corrupted. I got to the very end of the game and got stuck there, and dropped it.

Then I got a PC Engine DUO-R and the first thing I did was to start Ys IV. I played it quite a lot, but then decided to RGB mod it. About halfway through the mod I realized that I didn't have enough information about how to actually get the signal to my TV, so I dropped it. I fired up my Duo and accidentally got into the save menu and even more accidentally managed to format the SRAM. The menus are in Japanese, that's why.

That didn't discourage me that much, and after some SCART research, I performed the RGB mod beautifully. With RGB signal everything looks so good, so I'm playing The Dawn of Ys again. I love the game.

But I borrowed my friend's SNES a couple of days ago. I put in my Ys IV cartridge and played that. Such a great game! I'm very puzzled. Which one's the best? I really can't tell. Both of them are fantastic.

Oh, right -- the PS2 version. Well, I bought that one as soon as it was released, and to be honest -- I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. In the beginning. Then I got to the ice dungeon and that just made me sick. The game's awful! But I still like it .... for some strange reason.

Boy, this turned out to be a rather lengthy post. Mostly blabbering too. Hehe.

Anyway - my point is: I can't decide which one that's the best. I love 'em all and I always will.
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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #5 on: Jan. 27, 2006, 06:16:49 PM »
The PCE version is obviously the best, but my favorite version is the SNES one.
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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #6 on: Jan. 28, 2006, 04:24:16 AM »
I second Gillians comment. Technically Dawn of Ys is a bit better, but I still voted for Mask of the Sun because of the story and gameplay.

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RE:  Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #7 on: Jan. 30, 2006, 10:18:30 AM »
Quote from: NightWolve

"Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys" hands down. I once tried playing the crappy patch Shimarisu did for the SNES version and it is just simply terrible. TERRIBLE!!!! Maybe it is a decent game, but you certainly won't be able to tell until that translation patch is entirely revamped, which incidentally, I hear Ghideon Zhi does plan on doing some time in the future.

I never finished the game I started btw; I couldn't manage to force myself to finish it off. I tried again a while back, but it had been so long that I put off continuing, I got stuck and didn't know what to do next. Course, I didn't feel like starting over, so that was that...

Not quite sure if it was the translation or just the fact that mask of the sun sucked in comparison to dawn of ys. I made it half way through mask of the sun and quit also.
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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #8 on: Feb. 02, 2006, 03:53:32 AM »
Soon everyone can pick a new version of Mask of the Sun - A New Theory for your phone...

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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #9 on: Feb. 03, 2006, 10:13:57 PM »
I'd have to say Dawn of Ys, myself. I had been wanting to play it ever since it's release, but never bothered because I know all of two words in Japanese. When Nightwolve's translation came out, I flew right through it. I then applied the patch to the SNES rom of Mask of the Sun, thinking I'd fly through that one too, but I lost interest in it pretty quickly. Not sure why, though. I've even started playing it since then and still lost interest after a while. So for this reason I say Dawn of Ys is better.
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I can't give a fair answer...
« Reply #10 on: Feb. 12, 2006, 03:38:37 PM »
I just finished Mask of the Sun a few days ago.  I've fiddled with The Dawn of Ys previously, but I didn't start playing through it since it wasn't 100% in English at the time.

I'm inclined to say that Dawn is better, but I can't give a fair comparison until I play through the game.  The translation of Mask was so-so, but the insertion job was absolutely horrible.  I've done better insertion jobs than that.  Well, if a revised version of the patch is coming out, great, but I don't see any reason to snatch it up the moment it comes out...

On that note, does anyone know how Justus' dub patch for Dawn is working out?  That's the only thing that is preventing me from playing through Dawn.  If I remember correctly, he said that he would be doing a group dub session over the holidays, but I haven't heard anything about it since...

While I tend to prefer Japanese voice acting to dubs, I'm not hardcore enough to pause a game every few minutes to look at a translated script.  However, I'll make a point of playing through the entire game once the dub is ready, regardless of how professional or campy it may be.
This is TDOMMX (formerly Magus0857) signing out.

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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #11 on: Feb. 12, 2006, 04:35:38 PM »
Really, I wouldn't wait for the dubs. I have no idea what Justus is doing now. He was around not too recently and showed us his dubbing work for Radiant Silvergun, but now I dunno.

You're missing out on a fine game for something that may never happen. I'd go ahead and play it. In fact, I'm gonna release a patch update for the script that I was holding off on cause I wanted to wait till the dubs came along. I've decided not to hold off any longer. Expect version .96 very soon, which will change spellings such as "Romn" back to "Romun." It's just spelling corrections and I'll probably redesign the ReadMe. Would be fun to maybe make a new patcher, but I doubt I'll fit that in this time.

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RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #12 on: Feb. 13, 2006, 06:22:32 AM »
I agree with NightWolve. Waiting for the dub seems futile. The game doesn't contain that much spoken dialogue and reading the script when the speech is over isn't a problem (but beware -- I accidentally read one more sentence at one point and that spoiled a major part of the game for me!).

The Dawn of Ys is awesome. But I don't feel like playing through it because my SRAM got reset again :P (I was fiddling inside the console and I guess there was some power left in it so it probably got shorted).
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #13 on: Feb. 18, 2006, 07:19:48 PM »
Please cast your vote once more. I have reset the poll because it was possible to vote again now that the board software has been changed. It would be wrong to vote twice.  ;)
DVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #14 on: Feb. 18, 2006, 07:28:11 PM »
Oy vey... You didn't have to do that... It wasn't that important to clear out the data. I just didn't bother to figure out how to import the markers that store who voted exactly for what cause, yeah, it wasn't gonna be an issue, really, and it was just one poll... Heh. Geez, dude, you pest.

EDIT: Alright, I fixed it. Happy? Good. Every member ID that already voted was marked and I restored the counted values... "Save the poll! Must save the poll! Alright alright!"

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #15 on: Feb. 18, 2006, 07:52:07 PM »
I haven't played any of those. :p
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #16 on: Feb. 21, 2006, 04:49:51 PM »
I haven't got to play it yet either, but I'll vote PC-Engine because thus far those have been my fav Y's versions.

One small exception...

Y's III... that's what I'm on when I fire up my TurboDuo on occasion. I've only completed book 1 and 2 thus far. And as much as I hate most SNES versions... the intro to 3 was much better on SNES I though. Cool graphics, and that cool strange SNES fanfare music... and the weird techno sounding tune that plays as the wolf thing is being slain. All of that aside though, I still like the PC-Engine version best even with the crazy scrolling backgrounds... at a loss as to why.

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Re: RE: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #17 on: Feb. 21, 2006, 07:19:28 PM »
Then I got a PC Engine DUO-R and the first thing I did was to start Ys IV. I played it quite a lot, but then decided to RGB mod it. About halfway through the mod I realized that I didn't have enough information about how to actually get the signal to my TV, so I dropped it. I fired up my Duo and accidentally got into the save menu and even more accidentally managed to format the SRAM. The menus are in Japanese, that's why.
This was painful to read! I'm sure you have a Tennokoe Bank now, but you have had some seriously bad luck -- losing one game save is so frustrating, I can't imagine losing multiple saves. Insane!
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #18 on: Feb. 21, 2006, 07:30:48 PM »
Hehehe, believe it or not, but when I had finished the RGB amp just a few days ago (made one to yet enhance the video quality) -- the SRAM was once again corrupt. I had to re-format it. Ha ha ha! This is the third time! Started over a few days ago. Not too excited to play it any more though. ;)

But now I'm 100% finished with the modding*, so I don't think this will happen again. The PCE appears to be really sensitive -- tampering inside the console has corrupted the SRAM for me every time! Fortunately I haven't played on it that much so I haven't lost anything important yet. :)

*Still considering making a Jap/US Hu-card switch and replacing the red LED with a blue one though. We'll see what happens. ;)
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #19 on: Feb. 28, 2006, 04:59:46 AM »
Deffinitly DOY!  I've played thru both, though, I've only played thru DOY in Japanese, & I played thru MOTS in english.  Even so, I like the story better in DOY.  Without spoiling anything for anyone that hasn't played MOTS, there's just some story elements that annoyed me.  Plus, the gameplay stinks in it, I hate the sword/magic system n' all.  That's not to say I hate the game(though the final districts in the game make me want to hate it).  It's just my least favorite Ys ever.  The PS2 version, in some ways, had some improvements, but, it's overall pretty sad.  Sheesh, I hope Ys 5 for PS2 doesn't end up stinking!
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #20 on: Mar. 04, 2006, 11:41:14 AM »
Quite a shame that Dawn of Ys is sorta in an alternate timeline but for me it has the best (and I mean THE BEST) artwork in the series and it has a soundtrack that rivals even Oath of Felghana (especially that rocking Tower of Shadow and Death remix that should be in Psycho DeuceBag's alternate soundtrack) ^^

Even more of a shame was the fan dub project was scrapped. Either Nightwolve comes up with a way to add subtitles, or a miracle would happen and the fan dub project get's revived. T_T

If Falcom (and I do mean Falcom) is ever gonna remake Ys IV, I hope they grab the same character designer for Dawn of Ys , use voice acting (they're the dudes who voiced in the 80s Gundam shows I think), and probably improve the music if possible (and possibly Oath of Felghana quality).
« Last Edit: Mar. 04, 2006, 11:46:42 AM by Haven »


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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #21 on: Mar. 09, 2006, 07:51:46 PM »
I have Ys IV: Dawn of Ys with the english patch that is on a CD-R disc and my region free Super CD-rom II attachment that is hooked up to my Core Grafx/PC Engine and I played and almost beat it but it stopped working because the CD-R disc wasn't completely copied. :(

My Super CD-rom II attachment plays copied TG-16, PCE and Duo games. 8)
« Last Edit: Mar. 09, 2006, 07:52:48 PM by Boog »

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #22 on: Mar. 10, 2006, 08:42:43 AM »
I have Ys IV: Dawn of Ys with the english patch that is on a CD-R disc and my region free Super CD-rom II attachment that is hooked up to my Core Grafx/PC Engine and I played and almost beat it but it stopped working because the CD-R disc wasn't completely copied. :(

My Super CD-rom II attachment plays copied TG-16, PCE and Duo games. 8)

Your console isn't region-free. The PCE/TG CD no region protection in the first place.

Most PCE/TG CD consoles will play CD-R discs, but it kind of depends on the laser. It is possible to modify a laser unit that won't read CD-R discs so that it will.
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #23 on: Mar. 10, 2006, 09:59:38 AM »

Alright than,how do you about modifyin the laser unit?

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #24 on: Mar. 10, 2006, 11:21:12 AM »
Alright than,how do you about modifyin the laser unit?

Fairly complicated. I'm not going to explain that in an Ys IV thread. ;)
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #25 on: Mar. 12, 2006, 08:21:11 AM »
Played and finished all three Ys IVs.  The Dawn of Ys will always be my favorite. 
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #26 on: Mar. 14, 2006, 04:05:56 PM »
 Since I didn't finish Dawn of Ys YET and since I never got my hands into Mask of the Sun for PS2, I won't vote know.

 But I wanted to say: It seems there is another version of Ys IV (still Mask of the Sun) for a game console knew as 'Mobile'... from what I heard, Mobile is a cel. phone that has games for it. You can check it out on GameFAQs ===>

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #27 on: Mar. 14, 2006, 04:11:01 PM »
Since I didn't finish Dawn of Ys YET and since I never got my hands into Mask of the Sun for PS2, I won't vote know.

 But I wanted to say: It seems there is another version of Ys IV (still Mask of the Sun) for a game console knew as 'Mobile'... from what I heard, Mobile is a cel. phone that has games for it. You can check it out on GameFAQs ===>

Hehehe. It's not known as "mobile." Mobile is the platform. As in -- the game's on a mobile phone.

It will not be in this poll because nobody here will ever be able to play it. You can see some screenshots of it here.

Ys VI, Ys ETERNAL and YsF has been released for mobile phones as well. Along with millions of other Ys mobile releases.
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #28 on: Mar. 14, 2006, 04:54:26 PM »
Hehehe. It's not known as "mobile." Mobile is the platform. As in -- the game's on a mobile phone.

It will not be in this poll because nobody here will ever be able to play it. You can see some screenshots of it here.

Ys VI, Ys ETERNAL and YsF has been released for mobile phones as well. Along with millions of other Ys mobile releases.

 Heheh, I guess you are right. Afterall the game doesn't look "great", so I think no one would vote for this Ys IV. (Also thanks for giving me that link)

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #29 on: Mar. 15, 2006, 09:26:29 AM »
Good lord why even make 3D graphics with that thing!!!?

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #30 on: Mar. 15, 2006, 09:40:46 AM »
Imagine the framerate on those games!  :rolleyes: Playing Xanadu Next on an N-Gage was terrible, and it is a lot more powerful than those phones!

YsIV Mask of the Sun - A New Theory is hell on a PS2. I can't even imagine the agony of playing it on a cellphone.
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #31 on: Mar. 15, 2006, 09:13:08 PM »
I can't imagine playing anything on a cellpone, I think the only game I could stand would be Tetris.
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #32 on: Mar. 18, 2006, 07:50:41 AM »
I think Dawn of Ys is by far the best game, but I can't help wonder how the Mega-CD version of Mask of the Sun would have turned out if "Segafalcom" had finished it.  Their only game on the M-CD was the magnificent Popful Mail so I know that they could have achieved great things with Ys IV, imagine Popful's animation technique used for Mask of the Sun...  The only other games they produced where Dragon Slayer I&II and Lord Monarch on the MD, they should have been CD  >:(  Was there ever ANYTHING shown for the M-CD version or was it canceled so early that nothing was ever prgrammed?  I guess if Falcom decide to continue with the Ys remakes, it will be MotS that they remake which is a shame, maybe Hudson will make re-make DoYs one day though (they own it, correct?).  Then again, after their remakes of the Tengai Makyo games, I think i'd rather them not  :rolleyes:

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #33 on: Mar. 18, 2006, 10:05:38 AM »
Ys IV Mask of the Sun for Mega-CD was supposedly Falcom's "lost" scenario (the one they originally worked on themselves). Mask of the Sun for the SFC is not entirely Falcom's own game. Tokyo Shoseki bought it from Falcom and finished the development themselves. Falcom and Hudson made the PCE game together.

Sega Falcom were also working on another Mega-CD title -- Super Brandish. This was canned as well. Supposedly, there was no progress made on either Ys IV nor Super Brandish though.

I have a theory regarding the original Ys IV, but I will need to research it some more before I post it.
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #34 on: Mar. 18, 2006, 11:44:01 PM »
Oh yea I forgot about Super Brandish, I dont know why they didn't make Ys IV and Super Brandish for the Saturn instead. Now THAT would have been good!   Maybe if they do ever get around to a remake of IV it will be what they intended Ys IV to be in the first place.  After the incredible Oath in Felghana I dont think anyone would really protest another remake of that quality, at least I know I wouldn't.

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #35 on: Mar. 19, 2006, 07:43:07 AM »
Been rumors about an Ys IV remake from Falcom. Will probably be their original scenario.

Falcom will release a new PC game this year. A new Ys game. I am sure it will be a remake of Ys IV.
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #36 on: Mar. 23, 2006, 01:46:46 AM »
I was wondering if they did remake Ys IV, would they just take the numeration out like they did with Oath in Felghana?  Or would they also change the title like Oath as well?  When we first heard the title Oath in Felghana we all knew it had something to do with Ys III.
Now I'm curious if a new Ys game would have some sort of "keyword" that would tip us off to it being another Ys IV remake or not.  Selceta, perhaps?       
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #37 on: Mar. 23, 2006, 10:25:26 AM »
Could be Celceta the Sea of Trees, that is the title of Adol's diary about this particular adventure (YsIV Mask of the Sun).
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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #38 on: Mar. 23, 2006, 09:17:15 PM »
Whatever the future of Ys is, I hope:

> If they're gonna use English, use it right

> Don't release garbage OSTs like the YsF Super Arrange

> The reputation on the music set by Oath of Felghana would be retained (especially because the Dawn of Ys OST is my most favorite of all the Ys OSTs)


Don't you think they should call the Ys games from now on "Wanderers from Ys" since the Ys story arc was finished on the first two games and ended up becoming mere references?

Like you know

> Wanderers from Ys: Oath of Felghana
> Wanderers from Ys: The Mask of the Sun
> Wanderers from Ys: Ark of Napishtim

etc etc....

If I'd know better, the Ys IV remake would simply be called "The Dawn of Ys"

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Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« Reply #39 on: Mar. 24, 2006, 04:28:27 AM »
Why would it be called "The Dawn of Ys"? It is not going to be a "The Dawn of Ys" remake. It will be a Mask of the Sun remake.
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