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Author Topic: Wanna help finish the Felghana patch? I need volunteers for remaining tasks!  (Read 62923 times)

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Offline NightWolve

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Alright, now that I finished preparing the ED6 script for the translator, I'm gonna spend whatever time I can on managing the outsourcing of the remaining tasks for the Felghana project. That means, to you! I need competent volunteers for some grunt work I either can't do, or, just haven't felt like doing for whatever reason. If you didn't already know, what's holding back the first release of my widely anticipated English patch for Felghana is mostly image editing. I have about 40 images left. For some that I can't handle, I need the Japanese removed off of them, and replaced with English of course. The biggest and most difficult job involves the 12 manual pages which MP83 and Miles are already helping with. For some other images that I can do, I might be interested in your work if you're able to pick a better font and/or do an overall better job than I otherwise could, etc. Anyway, first, this thread will provide instructions on how to enable DDS support for your system which you'll need to do should you volunteer. Then, I'll go into the task assignments by making a list and trying to explain as best I can what I need you to do. Alright, let's begin.

***** DDS Image Support *****

Here, you'll learn how to set your system up for easy browsing of DDS image files. For reference: The Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) file format is used to store textures and cubic environment maps, both with and without mipmap levels. This format can store uncompressed and compressed pixel formats, and is the preferred file format for storing DXTn compressed data.

DDS is the chosen image format by Falcom for most of their latest games, if not all. It's been used in three games that I know of for sure, them being: Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim, Ys: The Oath in Felghana, as well as ED6. Alright, so now with that background information on this newer image format out of the way, we of course need to be able to view and edit such image files. Both are thankfully possible and the next two sections reveal how!

*** Instructions for adding DDS viewing-only support in Windows explorer

1) Download, attached in this thread below.

2) Extract WTV.EXE and copy it to your WINDOWS folder.

3) Run WTV.EXE.

4) Click the Help menu, and select the very first option of "Associate DDS files with WTV."

5) That's it, you're set! Now, anytime you click on a DDS file in Windows Explorer, a viewer, similar to Windows XP's Picture/Fax Viewer will appear, and with that, you'll of course be able to browse through all DDS images in the folder of the image you clicked on. The down and up arrow keys allow you to scroll through them easily, just like the regular Windows Viewer.

*** Instructions for adding full DDS support for either Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.

1) If you have Photoshop installed, simply run this installer provided by NVIDIA.

2) That should be it. You should now be able to view/edit/save DDS files within the later versions of Photoshop. It works fine with CS and a few earlier versions as far as I know. If you're going to help with image editing, it would be helpful if you have CS since that's what I'm using.

1) For Paint Sho Pro, download the attached "PSP DDS Plugin.rar" file.

2) Extract dds.8bi, and copy it to the Plugins folder wherever your PSP is installed.

3) That should do it. That is an older version of dds.8bi, since the newer one appears to cause crashes. Hopefully, you'll have Photoshop to work with instead, but if you only have PSP and know it best, I can work with that.

***** Felghana Task Assignments *****

You are all free to pick any task you like. If more than one of you are working on the same thing and produce results, I will simply choose whomever's work I think is best and/or prefer. If I use your work in the final patch, you will be credited in the Credits section of the ReadMe under Image Editing. Also, I may add Credits in the title screen of the game itself and/or the ending.

Task #1) Download all the images from the task1 folder. Now, what I need you to do is transcribe all the Japanese that you see on every image into a text file. That is, you must use something like the Windows Japanese IME Pad (this can be made available on Windows XP by installing Far East Asian support) to look up every Japanese character you see, then copy+paste it in a separate text or html file. The IME Pad allows you to draw a Japanese character and then provides you with a list of possible matches. You have to find which character exactly is represented in the image. If you take on this task, I would expect you already have some experience with this.

As for your output file, if you format it to help indicate where exactly in the image the text appears, HTML would be the better choice. Up to you. So, when this text or html file containing all the Japanese found in these Manual images is finished, I can give it to Psycho DeuceBag for translation. The purpose of this exercise is to make his job easier. He needs to have S-JIS text because he uses WWWJDIC. He can't simply look at Japanese on an image and begin writing English - He has to have it in text form so he look it up using WWWJDIC. Your job here is to basically be a human OCR.

Task #2) Download DC_999.DDS. This image is for the navigation bar of the Topics feature for game characters and monsters. The text on the left side needs to be, "Back" and the text on the right, "Next." I don't have a translation for the texts in the middle, so you'll have to wait till I update this task to provide them for you, unless you impress me by taking the initiative to also find their translation. You must do two rows, as you'll see, one with the text in regular, unselected mode (top row), and one when it's selected, highlighted (bottom row). If you can do something fancy that's close to the original font or better, that would be great.

Task #3) Download MAP.7z. This is a 2 MB DDS image, so I 7-zip'ed it. You need a ZIP program like 7-Zip to decompress it unless you already have something on your system that supports the format. Anyway, I need all the rectangles on the right that look like buttons (they're not actually buttons, though) cleared out. You need to find the slice from the map on the left that each rectangle corresponds to, then copy and paste that slice exactly into the rectangle with Japanese text in it. Once you've cleared every rectangle out, you need to set up a text layer in each one with appropiate matching font. The rectangles on the right are the location names, which were both in English and Japanese. For those, you can put just the English back. The column to the left only had Japanese, so just put '?????' since I don't have translations for those, and it looks like something generic will have to go in there cause there's not enough room to fit an English translation. We'll probably have to go with something like "Point A, Point B, etc." if even that can fit.

Um OK, lemme expand more on what I want with the far right column. Take the first rectangle. That says "Redmont Town" and has Japanese underneath it. After you clear that rectangle out using a slice from the map on the left, I want the replacement text layer's height to cover what both the original Japanese and English took up. So for that example, you would erase the original English and Japanese text with the slice, and replace it with a bigger font, using just "Redmont Town." Well, what I'm describing should become clear once you have a look at this image. Just ask me to clarify some more if needed if you wanna do this for me.

Also, if you decide to take on task1, make a post here to declare your intentions beforehand so nobody else decides to work on that. I made a general statement before, but when it comes to quality image editing, I don't wanna stop someone else who can do a better job from going ahead and working on it. Task1 is transcribing, so in that case, I think we should manage that so only one person works on it at a time, or possibly a few of you could split the work. I dunno, whatever. We'll see.

Note: If you submit work, please save it to PSD format if using Photoshop (which I hope you are) and give me that, because I will need all your text layers present, if any, so I can fix the alpha channel. Plus, I don't feel like explaning how to properly save it to the expected DDS format with the plugin.

The remaining tasks are being handled by current volunteers. I think I'm OK for now. No need for further volunteers at the present moment.

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Offline FireHawkX

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well i did step 2.... didnt took very long... and its decent looking... same glow as the kenji had...

you asked to translate if possible the middle... but i have absolutely no idea how or where to start....

then you asked to keep the same font as the original... but i dont have any exemple of the original therfore its pretty hard to come up with something that look alike...

finally, i had no idea what options to use when saving using the nvidia photoshop plugin... i tried the "render 2d" and it looked great... then i just hit save... ;)

here is the link to the file :

have a nice day!
-=Fire Hawk X=-

Offline SkyeWelse

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Well I like what FireHawkX did and it seemed easy enough to give a shot to so I figured I try and see what it would look like using the Monotype Corsiva font that you used in some earlier screenshot previews NightWolve. I think it looks nice, all except for how the font looks when displayed in the center buttons, as even when a glow filter is added it does not contrast well with the various blue backgrounds as opposed to the "Back" and "Next" ones that contrast well with the black background. The text on the center buttons even have a shadow effect applied to them to help darken the blue and light-blue-green a bit so that the white text will stand out more with the glow filter. Perhaps another font would work for the center buttons at least? Though I have no idea what to try. lol

The text in the center reads as "Sentaku" and "Kettei" respectively, which might be read as "Select" and "Confirm". This is all thanks to my girlfriend's contribution as she is native Japanese.

I'd be interested in trying out some editing work on the other screenshots that still need editing something, although this week seems like it's going to be busy. We'll see.

« Last Edit: Sep. 25, 2006, 06:53:39 PM by SkyeWelse »

Offline Big Buck

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I'd like to help out with this.  Anything I can do to speed up the process.  I have a lot of experience with Potoshop CS but none with Japanese.  I did start using the ime hand writing pad and I got a few lines done but I have no idea how to copy them to a text file.  Any help would be appreciated.
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Offline Miles

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Hey! I haven't seen you on AIM lately NightWolve~ Anyways, I've been a rascal lately and have been slacking off a bit. Okami is such an addicting game. ;_; Anyway, most of the images are pretty much cleaned of Japanese text now. I'm stuck at the text part. You know, finding a font and getting the same effects and all of that. Hopefully I can get someone to help me out with that so I can prepare all the screens for you to type in the english translations.

I do wonder how far MP83 is. Maybe he found good fonts to use already.

Offline MP83

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I do wonder how far MP83 is. Maybe he found good fonts to use already.

From 12 tutorial images, I have already managed to clean up 6 from Japanese text. As for finding good fonts, well, I played with the 1st (cleaned) tutorial image a little and this is the result:

Not too shabby, but gets the job done, I guess.

Offline megatallica

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Im Jumping on Board too, what i recon is that everyone gets assigned a certain task, to keep the images clean and constant, plus to get things done faster, for a faster release  ;), cause from what ive seen, everyones doing an awesome job already!
« Last Edit: Sep. 28, 2006, 05:49:28 AM by megatallica »

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I do wonder how far MP83 is. Maybe he found good fonts to use already.

From 12 tutorial images, I have already managed to clean up 6 from Japanese text. As for finding good fonts, well, I played with the 1st (cleaned) tutorial image a little and this is the result:

Not too shabby, but gets the job done, I guess.

Hey, I like it. Let's see. If NightWolve approves of this design then maybe we could split the work up so we each do 6 tutorial images. That way we could get them all done faster. Of course I would need to know the fonts you used. Sending me the psd of the first one would help to. If you'd rather do them all by yourself then that's okay too. =p
« Last Edit: Sep. 28, 2006, 01:17:51 PM by Miles »

Offline 2X4

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I just wanted to mention this, maybe you guys know already, but you should work with bitmaps if you can, since jpeg is lossy, your image will look like crap after a few saves.  Start with bitmap (or if the original is some other compressed format, open and save as a photoshop file while you work on it) and save as jpeg (or whatever format the game uses) when you're all done.  That will prevent loss of image quality.  I hope this isn't bad timing, I just saw this thread.  If you already have a lot done, you can copy and paste the text layers from the jpeg versions to the bitmap versions, if need be.  I don't mean to point out the obvious, but I know from his previous work that NightWolve has exacting standards.  8)

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Thanks 2X4, but I already know how each picture formats works (most common ones, anyway). It's not like this is the first time I've worked with graphics. :)

Road Fighter remake - screenshots collection
Magical Tree remake - a screenshot from an unfinished remake project
Two Snatcher wallpapers at

Also, I'm aware that NightWolve wants everything to be as perfect as possible and I don't blame him, since I'm pretty much like him regarding graphics.

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OK, great.  Well, I didn't want to offend anyone, I just noticed that the linked images to be worked on were jpegs, so I figured maybe someone was unaware of these things.  Just trying to be helpful.  :)  I gather that most of the tasks are already undertaken, but if there is anything left to do that doesn't involve transcribing kanji, I would be honored to help.

Offline NightWolve

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This is excellent, SkyeWelse. FireHawkX, thanks for the effort, but uh, I'm gonna have to go with his. ;)

One thing I forgot to mention, most Felghana DDS images have an alpha channel that needs to be dealt with. This navigation buttons image is one of them. SkyeWelse, I need the PSD back with all your text layers in tact so I can go ahead and fix the alpha channel the way it needs to be. You don't have to do that. Anyway, that looks great and I went to get some context from the Topics feature so we can better determine what the translation should be. Screenshots+description of the Topic/Diary menu's behavior below:

1) When you're using the Back or Next menu selections, the middle, non-highlighted text is used.

2) When you mouse over or use the arrow keys and actually select the middle option, the text changes as well as becoming highlighted.

3) Now if you press the action button while this middle option is highlighted, THEN it will allow you to select actual characters (or monsters if you're using the monsters diary menu). I'm not sure what to do, but I don't think 'Select' and 'Confirm' will work quite right. Maybe just screw Falcom and use 'Select' in both cases? Just have a highlighted version of 'Select' after selecting/clicking it?


Ding ding! We have a winner. Is that 2.1 or a slightly improved version from what you sent me? They almost look the same now that I think about it, but this one looks better to me. Anyway, that'll work just fine. I don't wanna hold things up over these manuals, so if you can finish the rest like that, we're cool.


Hey! I haven't seen you on AIM lately NightWolve~ Anyways, I've been a rascal lately and have been slacking off a bit. Okami is such an addicting game. ;_; Anyway, most of the images are pretty much cleaned of Japanese text now. I'm stuck at the text part. You know, finding a font and getting the same effects and all of that. Hopefully I can get someone to help me out with that so I can prepare all the screens for you to type in the english translations.

I do wonder how far MP83 is. Maybe he found good fonts to use already.

Yeah, about you working on the same thing... Well, I think we should let MP83 finish it all up. I was afraid of this happening and having given you the go ahead a while back. For that, my apologies, but I think his work is better and at the end of the day, I want the best I can get. =\


I just noticed that the linked images to be worked on were jpegs, so I figured maybe someone was unaware of these things.  Just trying to be helpful.

Yeah, no worries. He linked it that way so it would be visible in the thread, whereas DDS or PSD would not. The DDS used in this game is stored uncompressed, so it is like a bitmap, but anyhow, I will need the PSD version they're editing to make adjustments to the alpha channel and to export back to DDS properly. Oh, and my linked jpegs (if that's only what you were referring to) are for read-only transcribing purposes. MP83 was given the originals privately long time ago (as well as Miles) for actual editing. You notice my instructions didn't tell you to edit those jpegs - I just said to basically write down all the Japanese text that is on them to a text file. I'm gonna leave the editing all to MP83 now.


I did start using the ime hand writing pad and I got a few lines done but I have no idea how to copy them to a text file.  Any help would be appreciated.

Well, if you manage to activate the IME Pad in an editor like Notepad, or some HTML editor (or even MS WORD), when you click on a character (after having drawn it and matched it up to correct one), it gets pasted to the editor in which the IME Pad was activated for. If you noticed, when you have that enabled in XP and if you set the language bar to be visible at the bottom right of your desktop, it always has EN, for English, visible in it. If I give focus to say Notepad (by starting it), I can goto the language bar, select JP, and then I'll notice more options pop up, one of them being the IME Pad. If you got that far as you seem to indicate, you should've noticed that clicking on any character pastes it into Notepad's window. Anyway, somebody with experience needs to do this cause I can't explain it too well. I'll try explaining again though if you still wanna try. I'll get frustrated if I have to write up instructions from A-Z on how to do this which is why I'm hoping for someone with experience...


I'm gonna try to add another task right now and I think one more ASAP. Check for an edited first post.

EDIT: OK, task 3 has been added.

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Ding ding! We have a winner. Is that 2.1 or a slightly improved version from what you sent me? They almost look the same now that I think about it, but this one looks better to me. Anyway, that'll work just fine. I don't wanna hold things up over these manuals, so if you can finish the rest like that, we're cool.

It's the exact same version, actually. And yes, I can finish rest of the images like this. I'll just need to have translations of every text paragraphs of all tutorial images to get this all done (or even get started).

Meanwhile, I will use some extra time for finding better font candidates to use in these tutorial images. Who knows, maybe I could find a better font(s)?

Offline Big Buck

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OK, first off, great work...everybody.  I like the text for the Topic pages but I was just wondering how difficult would it be to move the right page text over a bit.  I think it is quite obvious that I  took no time or effort in doing this but I think it gets my point across.  Just a bit of input.
« Last Edit: Oct. 01, 2006, 11:56:29 PM by Big Buck »
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Offline Dark Sol

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shite if only i had more time i could do the MAP.
btw looks like old forum database was lost. had to register once more.

Offline NightWolve

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I'll just need to have translations of every text paragraphs of all tutorial images to get this all done (or even get started).

No, just type in garbage text, anything, in the meantime. Placeholders, if you will. You're gonna give me back the PSD files with all the text layers in tact, so I'll be able to add in the final text myself whenever I can get the translations.

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Sure. Less work for me. ;D

Offline NightWolve

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I like the text for the Topic pages but I was just wondering how difficult would it be to move the right page text over a bit.

Yeah, I actually tried long time ago to make that adjustment, but moving that column of names any more leftward results in clipping. I would have to debug/trace some assembly more to figure out how the clipping region is set up that has the text written to it. As I don't really care enough to do that, I left it as is. So yeah, there is a technical reason why I left that alone. I can't squeeze things more because I have longer monster names, and so I just had to settle with constistency in all cases and leaving it as is. I could do this just for Characters, but the Monsters Topics section would have to have the column moved back right to where it is and I don't want an inconsistency to be created just to fix it only one part.

Anyway, no takers yet on task #3 with the MAP??

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Anyway, no takers yet on task #3 with the MAP??

One thing at the time. I'll think about this when I've finished with the tutorial images, which shouldn't take very long. :)

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Wow.  A lot has happened since I last posted here.  Too bad I didn't get to sling any mud at that teenage know-it-all.

I've already started working on #3, so you're not under any pressure, MP83.  I don't have as much free time as I used to, but it's a 3-day weekend, so I'll be able to handle it without much trouble.

NightWolve, what happened with the new website design deal?  I haven't heard from either you or Marina, so I'm a little concerned.  Either way, my offer still stands.  I never make promises I don't intend to keep.
This is TDOMMX (formerly Magus0857) signing out.

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One thing at the time.

It was directed at everyone.

NightWolve, what happened with the new website design deal?  I haven't heard from either you or Marina, so I'm a little concerned.  Either way, my offer still stands.  I never make promises I don't intend to keep.

Wow, you're back! What happened to you? I thought you were gone for good. Well, I emailed her back long ago saying I didn't like the first try she made at a design, but I never heard from her ever again, so that was that. Here's that email:

Sat, 10 Jun 2006 16:26:19 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Marina,

OK, great. Well, I like the logo, but not too crazy about the orange. Maybe
that can work, however - I dunno. I definitely don't want the top menu bar
though - that I can say for sure. Let's see, I can use the logo, font, and
maybe another choice in color scheme to get more ideas. The thing is it looks a
bit too much like a business-oriented site, obviously that being due to the
focus of your profession.

Anyhow, that's all I can say for now. If you make any more mockups, just email
'em and I'll get to it within the month when I'm free. I'm not online much
anymore, so whenever you can make something new to show if you still want to
would be fine.


--- Marina Tejarian <> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> Here is a sample, we can modify anything, the colors, the banner picture,
> this is just for you to have a general look at it.
> Let me know what you think.
> Regards,
> Marina Tejarian
> Office: 450-575-0535
> Cell.: 514-575-5916

And that was the last I heard of her. In retrospect, it's probably better cause she'll make something I like won't want. The mockup I saw was too business-oriented and I can't imagine her being able to get out of that model for something like this site. It's fine, really. I am content with what I have now.

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I've been lurking 'round this forum for quite some time, and I finally thought I'd try my hand at some of this work. So, I did the Map last night- and here it is.

This is a side-by-side comparison, just so you can see what I did. Hopefully, this is what you're looking for.


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Yeah, that's exactly it, johnnybleu. Great. I might want to adjust the font though, but you got it pretty close. Attach or link the PSDs.

Hm, question though, how certain are you that you obtained the correct slice to clear out the boxes? Looks like you did a helluva job at first glance. Pretty much what I wanted. I didn't think anyone would produce results this quickly on that one.

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Alright, sweet! Glad I could help!
I've e-mailed the psd file to your yahoo account.

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Wow man, yeah, you got it right. I can tell since you left the slices as a layer which you can make visible/invisible repeatedly to see if it all aligns correctly. Thanks.

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Awesome. No problem- just glad to do my part. 

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I emailed this question also, but this might be faster. How do you redo the glow effects and what is the reason for having had to merge that town name layer down ?

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Wow, that was pretty fast.  Just a few minutes after I said I was going to take care of it.  Too bad I can't see your work at the moment (I'm at the office right now, and PhotoBucket is blocked by our content filter).  Kudos for fueling my competitive spirit though.  I'm not a professional when it comes to Photoshop, but I can't help but experiment and see if I can do better.

NightWolve, I have a quick question for you.  Seldane indirectly answered this question, but didn't provide any of his reasoning.  Are you going to stick to the place name romaji exactly as they are provided by Falcom?  While I respect the original authors of any work, there are some cases where the authors clearly don't know how to use English characters ("Theresa Testarossa" becomes "Teletha", "Millefeuille" loses an 'i', "Miranda Walder" becomes "Mylandah", and so on).

To that end, I think that some of the place names could use some tweaking:
-"Town of Redmont" or just "Redmont" instead of "Redmont Town"
-Alternate romanize for Illburns? (ie: "Ilverns")
-Alternate romanize for Elderm (ie: "Eldam")

As you can tell, I am a fan of the Super Nintendo version.  I have nothing against switching to superior romanizations -- "Tigray Quarry", "Valestein Castle", and "Genos Island" are perfectly fine as-is -- but I'm not too fond of some romanizations.

I'm just curious if you are going to stick with the "canonical" names, and why.  On that note, I could swear the Japanese game uses "Galvaran", not "Galbalan" as shown in your WIP screens.

Ack.  I gotta get back to work.
This is TDOMMX (formerly Magus0857) signing out.

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Are you going to stick to the place name romaji exactly as they are provided by Falcom?

Yeah, I am. Too late for such changes anyhow since I wanna get things done.

Here's what your work looks like in-game, johnny:

Not too shabby. I guess I'll leave the font alone then. It does look like the one you picked is pretty close to the original anyhow and I don't have the time to tweak as much as I'd like.

Oh, one more good thing! The patch file for this image is only 384 KB when created. So, after I export the PSD to DDS, and have the patch creator 'diff' the original DDS and the updated one, there is only 384 KBs of differences out of a 2 MB image. Very good! The actual YsF English patcher will not include entire DDS images; it will only include 'pat' files for the original DDS images... What the patcher will do is extract the original DDS from Falcom's game database file ( and then apply the pat file to it. This is how I keep my patchers very small. Anyhow, if this got fucked up by major background changes, the pat file would come out to 2 MB, so anyhow, at 384 KB, I know it was done correctly.

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Woah, sweet! Looking pretty cool. Needless to say I can't wait to play this puppy!
If you need further work done on the font, I can do it. The font I picked is pretty damn close, but the spacing and thickness is somewhat off. Just let me know what you'd like done exactly, and I can give it a shot.

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Here's what your work looks like in-game, johnny:

Not too shabby. I guess I'll leave the font alone then. It does look like the one you picked is pretty close to the original anyhow and I don't have the time to tweak as much as I'd like.

Whoa.  Nice.  Very.  Nice.
What font is that, anyway?  It looks like a perfect match.  Much better than Monospace Corsiva.  If I recall, you can adjust the spacing in Photoshop and GIMP.

Are you going to stick to the place name romaji exactly as they are provided by Falcom?

Yeah, I am. Too late for such changes anyhow since I wanna get things done.

That's perfectly understandable for the time being, but I was wondering more along the lines of why Promarock was later switched to Promalock...  Your reasoning, not the elitist they-made-it-so-their-name-is-right reasoning I got from Seldane (no offense intended).  I already gave counterexamples to Seldane's explanation, so I'm looking for more persuasive rationale.  Just something to consider since it looks like you might have to change Galbalan back to Galvaran for consistency.
« Last Edit: Oct. 06, 2006, 10:38:53 AM by TDOMMX »
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The font is Cataneo BT. I don't know where I got it, I just found it in my monumental list of fonts. O_o
As far as I'm concerned, it's pretty much the same font originally used, with only a few slight differences. I had to skew and scale it, for example. The shape of some letters aren't quite right, so it's still not a 100% match, but it's pretty close

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That's perfectly understandable for the time being, but I was wondering more along the lines of why Promarock was later switched to Promalock...

Psycho DeuceBag asked me to because he decided he liked it more and Falcom was using it in some book. It would have to be a combination of both reasons I previously stated, since they use a lot of other spellings in their books we wouldn't wanna use... Actually, I went back to the thread and I did give you an answer for this very same question:

Your reasoning, not the elitist they-made-it-so-their-name-is-right reasoning I got from Seldane (no offense intended).

Yeah, he does have a way with that. ;)

I already gave counterexamples to Seldane's explanation, so I'm looking for more persuasive rationale.  Just something to consider since it looks like you might have to change Galbalan back to Galvaran for consistency.

Sure, but know that I reluctantly answered this. I've actually gone over some of this in that Ys VI thread and it is a bit too late to have to deal with advise all of a sudden on this matter. It seems you're picking up where that thread left off. If I had things organized more where script and issues like this were put up for public input, where I'm ready/prepared/looking for public input, it'd be more appropriate and useful. This is a bit of an irritating distraction right now I guess is what I'm trying to say.

Anyhow, it's not a golden, apply it in every case, rule. In Ys I & II Complete, I used Dark Fact, not Dulk Fukt, because I gave precedence to the Hudson localization with Ys Book I & II. Everyone in the US grew up knowing him as Dark Fact, etc. On the other hand, that rule was not applied to Dogi, who was localized to "Colin" in Ys Book I & II. But then of course, he was left as Dogi in Ys III. Dogi seemed just so well known to us Ys fans, so that had to be left alone. I used "Romn" in Ys IV and Ys VI, because Falcom was using that, but when Ys VI was localized in the US by Konami and they properly used "Romun," I have since gone back to change everything to "Romun" as well.

Galbalan won't be changed. It is quite an inconsitent rule at work here, understand. Sometimes there's a chance to fix some things, so it is taken. The decision in what Romanization spellings to go with is a combination of factors: my mood, Psycho DeuceBag's mood, precedence by localized US versions, if it's really really an egregious case of Engrish, if it's in every damn image and will require lots of editing to fix, etc.

Also, here's another case. Psycho DeuceBag wanted me to use "Town of Minea" in Ys IV instead of "Minea Town," but I resisted because of the prior Ys games having used "Minea Town." Now, if I went with Town of Redmont, I would have to go back and change it in Ys IV, and I don't want to do that. I would create my own inconsistency, one patch with "Town of" and the other without. That would be a case of my mood. I don't feel like doing it and it doesn't rise enough to a level where I think it should be done, etc.

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Sure, but know that I reluctantly answered this. I've actually gone over some of this in that Ys VI thread and it is a bit too late to have to deal with advise all of a sudden on this matter. It seems you're picking up where that thread left off. If I had things organized more where script and issues like this were put up for public input, where I'm ready/prepared/looking for public input, it'd be more appropiate and useful. This is a bit of an irritating distraction right now I guess is what I'm trying to say.

Anyhow, it's not a golden, apply it in every case, rule. In Ys I & II Complete, I used Dark Fact, not Dulk Fukt, because I gave precedence to the Hudson localization with Ys Book I & II. Everyone in the US grew up knowing him as Dark Fact, etc. On the other hand, that rule was not applied to Dogi, who was localized to "Colin" in Ys Book I & II. But then of course, he was left as Dogi in Ys III. Dogi seemed just so well known to us Ys fans, so that had to be left alone. I used "Romn" in Ys IV and Ys VI, because Falcom was using that, but when Ys VI was localized in the US by Konami and they properly used "Romun," I have since gone back to change everything to "Romun" as well.

Galbalan won't be changed. It is quite an inconsitent rule at work here, understand. Sometimes there's a chance to fix some things, so it is taken. The decision in what Romanization spellings to go with is a combination of factors: my mood, Psycho DeuceBag's mood, precedence by localized US versions, if it's really really an egregious case of Engrish, if it's in every damn image and will require lots of editing to fix, etc.

Also, here's another case. Psycho DeuceBag wanted me to use "Town of Minea" in Ys IV instead of "Minea Town," but I resisted because of the prior Ys games having used "Minea Town." Now, if I went with Town of Redmont, I would have to go back and change it in Ys IV, and I don't want to do that. I would create my own inconsistency, one patch with "Town of" and the other without. That would be a case of my mood. I don't feel like doing it and it doesn't rise enough to a level where I think it should be done, etc.

Thanks for the quick reply, especially given your current circumstances (I should have known you were swamped right now.  Sorry!)

I wasn't aware that a thread containing the answer I sought already existed (either that, or I forgot about it in my absence).  I already know from experience how translation works, and extensive retconning is not fun.  If it were feasible, I would love to help retcon translations in the future.  Whether you would want to do so is an entirely different matter, since it's not really necessary.

As for Galbalan, I was thinking that you were maintaining consistency between the SNES Ys III and Konami's The Ark of Napishtim ("Demi-Galba" and the "Galba" equipment).  Nice to hear "straight from the horse's mouth" that my assumptions were wrong.

I'll leave you to your work now.  If you need help with any other tasks, just let us know.
This is TDOMMX (formerly Magus0857) signing out.

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As for Galbalan, I was thinking that you were maintaining consistency between the SNES Ys III and Konami's The Ark of Napishtim ("Demi-Galba" and the "Galba" equipment).  Nice to hear "straight from the horse's mouth" that my assumptions were wrong.

I think Psycho DeuceBag just wanted Galbalan fixed and it didn't cost too much to do so. No desire obviously to respect/use "Demanicus" from the Ys III TG-16 version, as that was total liberties-taking and a very shitty choice at that... But Galbalan was his choice and I didn't mind changing it in the end. It sounded better to me also than Galvaran or whatever.

EDIT: Eh, here we go, out of my AIM logs with him:

Sef1roth: Btw, I take it you wanna Romanize and have our standard set with some of the names, eh?
Sef1roth: I saw that Galbalan is Galvaran or something in the images.
Psycho DeuceBagMUGEN: Yeah.  I say stick with Galbalan.
Psycho DeuceBagMUGEN: Sounds better, and it's what's been used in previous official-release games.
Sef1roth: What was your reference, SNES?
Psycho DeuceBagMUGEN: Yeah.  Only one that used the original names.
Sef1roth: You know... I always DID like Demanicus!!!
Sef1roth: :)
Psycho DeuceBagMUGEN: KILL
Sef1roth: j/k
Psycho DeuceBagMUGEN: I will bite your face off.
Sef1roth: It was so... dumb.
Psycho DeuceBagMUGEN: Generic.

Oh yeah, I just remembered, another thing "Redmont Town" had going against it in preventing a change was it's on the other map image where it can't be cleaned off. Great skill involving the clone and smudge/blur tools would be required, so it can be done, but eh, the motivation is not there on that one.

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Just let me know what you'd like done exactly, and I can give it a shot.

You have superb Photoshop skills to have done that map image in a day and with such high quality, so I wanted to throw this task at you. This isn't the fourth task I'm gonna add to this thread though, which I'll do ASAP since you're around and I don't wanna have you go idle before I finally put that task up. Anyway, I did this myself, then I had MP83 do it, but I'm still not satisfied and would like to see how well you could clean it up. Attached is the other map used in the game (You can un7zip it with this). Now, all I want you do to is erase the Japanese text underneath the English in this one. That's all it needs. BUT, there is no clean reference image point, so one needs to use clone/blur/smudge tools, etc. effectively to accomplish this.

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Woah, yeah. That's a helluva job right there. The "canvas" texture would really make this a total nightmare. That being said, I'll give it a shot. I don't know how fast you want this, but I'll see what I can do.

Just one thing, do you want to keep the line dividing the english and japanese text?

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Alright, I'm done. Heh. Guess it was a bit easier than I thought.... O_o
Anyway, have a look and let me know if that's good 'nuff for ya. I don't know how it'll stack up against the two previous attempts, but here goes nothing.

Basically, I'm pretty sure that if you didn't know there once was something else written below the text, you'd NEVER be able to tell. If you know what to look for, you can spot a few blemishes zoomed in at 300% and more. Other than that, I'd say it's pretty good.


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It's looking great !!!  ;D
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This is great! You guys are coming along very well! WOW the work of teamwork of fellow gamers and fans! This Ys translation will be special!

Thanks guys!